I was doing push/pull to a remote repo and I suddenly got
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Auto packing the repository for optimum performance.
fatal: Unable to create 'PATH/packed-refs.lock': Permission denied
error: failed to run pack-refs
To user@hostname:PATH
abc1..abc2 dev -> dev
Indeed, the group of the user I was using didn't have the permission to
write in PATH/ . It also seems that git pack-refs wasn't running before
when I was going push/pull.
My question: is it normal for git pack-refs to be triggered during a
push for the first time at some point in time (because a threshold of
something was exceeded), or is this an indication that something else
might be wrong?
I can post more information if needed. The client is on ubuntu,
and the git on the server is the same too (I don't know how to see the
the "git version of the remote repo" - if there is such thing).
Vangelis Katsikaros
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