I have a clean derectory ang the git database. Now I want check out the
The master is the last commit. The files name are displayed but not
stored out in directory.
Why can not I check out?
René Doß
red@linux-nrd1:~/iso/a> ls -a
. .. .git
red@linux-nrd1:~/iso/a> git checkout master
D SP601_RevC_annotated_master_ucf_8-28-09.ucf
D rtl/ether_speed.vhd
D rtl/ether_top.vhd
D rtl/ether_tx.vhd
D rtl/takt.vhd
D sim/makefile
D sim/tb_ether_top.vhd
Already on 'master'
red@linux-nrd1:~/iso/a> ls
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