Dear Alaxey,
thanks, I didn't know about this configuration option.
Ákos Tajti
2011.07.26. 13:17 keltezéssel, Alexey Shumkin írta:
В Tue, 26 Jul 2011 11:38:59 +0200
Tajti Ákos<akos.tajti@xxxxxxxxxxx> пишет:
Dear List,
I tried to use git ls-tree but on blob names containing non-english
characters I get a strange output. For example:
ákosű -> \303\241kos\305\261
There's no mention of this format in the manual of ls-tree. Could you
please help me on resolving this cryptic string to the original form?
Thanks in advance,
Ákos Tajti
Russian Windows git users know this feature
git config [--global] core.quotepath false
resolves it
and, yes, man git-config
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