b) Write a minimal Git client using libgit2. Peff keeps bringing this
up and I think it's a bangin' good idea. Write something small and
100% self contained in a C executable that runs everywhere with 0
dependencies -- don't aim for full feature completion, just the basic
stuff to interoperate with a Git repository. Clone, checkout, branch,
commit, push, pull, log. I would totally use that shit on my Windows
boxes. And since it'll be externally compatible with the original Git
client, we can reuse the Git unit tests to test libgit2. HA. Awesome!
I would dream of having a platform-independent GUI based on libgit2
which could be used to manage a large project. Setup the workflow in the
app, requiring only single mouseclicks to promote a topic branch into
the stable series. Have a button to merge all maint-branch-updates into
the other branches. And more..
In order to come up with a possible workflow for our project, I have
been checking out how Git is managed. I got a little bit disappointed
that Junio uses some 'home-brewn' scripts for Git. I don't want to write
them myselves (on Windows).
I'm happy to see that the 'vger' people are supporting libgit2.
Anyway, when I do have some time, I am willing to contribute to the
libgit2 project.
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