Those are my thoughts on gitweb output caching, brought by working on my rewrite of gitweb output caching, based on ideas (and some code) from John 'Warthog9' Hawley (J.H.) series, and on reviewing J.H. code. I'd apreciate very much comments on this Table of contents: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Splitting gitweb (and infractructure for it) 2. require Gitweb::Cache vs do '' 3. cache key (href(-replay => 1,...) vs $cgi->self_url()) 4. caching, error handling, progress info and persistent environments (blocking progress info via parameter, or referer, or ...) 5. capturing and saving STDOUT by redirection vs select(FH) or print $out 6. being able to use other caching engines, and capturing to scalar capturing to memory vs capturing to file, 7. saving in text or binary; printing data from cache in binary mode 8. atomic file write and locking 9. background cache generation 10. HTTP aware output caching, HTTP aware caching engine (c.f. CHI) 1. Splitting gitweb (and infractructure for it) Because gitweb is getting quite large (7341 lines, in byte size next to largest in git.git repository after gitk-git/gitk), and caching is meant to be optional, therefore (most of) code related to gitweb caching should be put in a separate file. This means that adding support for caching to gitweb should bring infrastructure that will be required for splitting gitweb for easier maintenance and extending. Which is a good side effect of adding caching support to gitweb. One question remains: current infrastructure supports having gitweb modules (or "modules", see the next item) in 'lib/' subdirectory alongside gitweb.cgi, and in directories in PERL5LIB or PERLLIB. There was request to support installing gitweb modules in a separate directory, but that would require changes to "gitweb: Prepare for splitting gitweb" patch (but it is doable). Is there wider interest in supporting such feature? 2. require Gitweb::Cache vs do '' One of the differences between original J.H. code and my rewrites of it is that in J.H. patches caching code is in '' file and must be loaded using "do ''", while in my rewrite caching is put into proper Perl module and can be loaded using something like "require Gitweb::Cache". (Digression: the name '' is bad because of two reasons. First, the *.pm extension sugests that it is a proper Perl module, with a separate namespace, that can be loaded using "require". Second, it is good practice to restrict all lowercase package names to pragma-like modules, like 'strict', 'warnings' or 'namespace::clean'. That is why in "minimal fixup" response to J.H. patches I renamed it from to (or rather lib/ The main advantage of '' solution is that you don't need to separate gitweb parts from caching parts, and you don't need to carefully design API for interaction between caching layer and application layer. For example in J.H.'s patches uses variables and subroutines from gitweb.perl, e.g. $my_url or %actions, and die_error. This allow for fast no-design development... leading to (somewhat at least) spaghetti code. But this is also main disadvantage of this method. Without proper separation (proper encapsulation) of caching layer testing the caching engine separately would be difficult, if at all possible (perhaps with mocking...). In my rewrite caching engine has a separate set of tests checking its behavior; in J.H. series it doesn't. Currently '' is loaded in "minimal fixup" version using the following code if (!exists $INC{''}) { my $return = do ''; die $@ if $@; die "Couldn't read '': $!" if (!defined $return); } though nowadays I think that "require '';" could be enough. Removing some of entaglements is quite easy: instead of calculating key based on $my_url or $cgi in cache_fetch, calculate it in caller i.e. in gitweb; instead of passing $action and using $actions{$action}->(), just pass code reference i.e. $actions{$action} as parameter; pass options in a hash or hashref. Removing other dependencise is harder: to remove dependency on die_error you need either 'on_error' handler, or extract error handling in separate package and use it (which is harder than it looks, at least with current error handling, but see below). There is also additional advantage in putting caching layer into separate Perl package: there is possibility of (re)using it outside of gitweb. But this is rather minor issue... 3. cache key (href(-replay => 1,...) vs $cgi->self_url()) The key used for gitweb caching, to find apropriate cache entry, is based on URL of current page. The question is if some URLs are to be considered equivalent, and what class of URL do we consider equivalent, i.e. having the same key. Simplest solution is to use $cgi->self_url() (note that what J.H. v8 uses, i.e.: "$my_url?". $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}, where $my_url is just $cgi->url() is not enough - it doesn't take path_info into account). Alternate solution, which I used in my rewrite, is to come up with "canonical" URL, e.g. href(-replay => 1, -full => 1, -path_info => 0); with this solution using path_info vs query parameters or reordering query parameters still gives the same key. 4. caching, error handling, progress info and persistent environments (blocking progress info via parameter, or referer, or ...) This needs an intro: J.H. gitweb caching series introduced non-JavaScript HTML-only progress indicator, to notify user that there is data being (re)generated. It is based on the trick that HTML redirection via http-equiv="Refresh" meta header is done only after connection is closed / HTML page is rendered in full. So by not printing final '</html>' and closing connection, and by printing e.g. '.' every few seconds to prevent closing connection, we can have simple progress indicator. Other solution, presented in one of first versions of my rewrite, would be to use Ajax based progress indicator. The problem with this solution is that you need to guess if web browser (client) supports JavaScript from server side; though there are tricks to do that (see 'blame_incremental' support). J.H. patches up and including v7, and my rewrite up and including v6, excluded error pages from caching. I think that the original resoning behind choosing to do it this way was that A.), each of specific error pages is usually accessed only once, so caching them would only take up space bloating cache, but what is more important B.) that you can't cache errors from caching engine. Error handling in gitweb is done using die_error() subroutine (renamed from error_page() very, very early in gitweb history). It is used similarly to how "die" could be used in an ordinary application; in place of for example open my $fh, '<', $filename or die "Can't open $filename: $!" gitweb uses open my $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "ls-tree", $base, "--", $path or die_error(500, "Open git-ls-tree failed"); Because gitweb is not a simple web application, and error can occur quite deep in the call stack, having to check if each subroutine ended in an error is impractical: it is much easier to rely on the fact that calling die_error() ends current request. Description of problem: The problem is interaction with HTML-only progress indicator, and non-cached pages. When the "Generating..." page starts to be send to web browser (in my rewrite there was initial delay; if non-cached page started to be generated within this initial delay then "Generating..." page was not displayed at all), it means that page we wait for has to be generated in background process. When the page is finished, "Generating..." page would force redirection... but if page it was waiting for is not saved in cache, the same thing would repeat: again running generating data in background, again "Generating..." page. So what's the solution? One would be to actually cache error pages. This is not easy with die_error() both printing error page (sending it to web browser after turning off capturing), and ending request, originally by the way of exit(0) (note: ModPerl::Registry redefines it to end request and not worker process), later with nonlocal goto to END_GITWEB or (in one of my unapplied patches) a bit later to END_REQUEST label. The proposed solution is to actually separate the creating and throwing error from generating an error page; this should allow easy caching of error pages -- gitweb would use die/eval to throw and catch exceptions (similar to what SVN::Web does). Possible improvement, but an additional complication, would be to make cached error pages shorl lived, perhaps cleaning them up after using them. This might be done via HTTP awareness, see below. Another possible solution I have just thought about is to ensure somehow that page (re)loaded from "Generating..." page has progress info disabled. But that means that error page would get generated twice, second time without progress indicator. This is cerrtainly an issue that needs some thought. 5. capturing and saving STDOUT by redirection vs select(FH) or print $out One of the goals in designing capturing mechanism for caching engine to be used in gitweb output caching is that when caching is disabled gitweb behaviour should not change at all (or at least the change should be minimal). That means not collecting output to print it or save it to cache at the end, as this would change bahvior from current streaming, print as you go behavior... and make 'blame_data' part of 'blame_incremental' useless. The solution with changing every 'print LIST' to 'print $out LIST' was discarded because it would mean changes in almost all of gitweb, resulting in very large patch. The solution finally chosen is to redirect STDOUT to a file (reopen to a file), while duplicating it to save it for later restoring. This is the same solution that Capture::Tiny uses. Alternate solution is to use select(FH) to change default filehandle for 'print' and 'printf'... but this seems less elegant solution. 6. being able to use other caching engines, and capturing to scalar capturing to memory vs capturing to file, The standard API to access cache supported by various Perl caching engines (Cache::Cache, Cache, CHI, Cache::FastMmap, Cache::Memcached) is based around $cache->get($key) and $cache->set($key, $data) methods: my $data = $cache->get($key); if (!defined $data) { $data = compute_data($key); $cache->set($key, $data); } Some caching engines support single instruction "get and set" equivalent to above code, by providing code callback to generate data if it is not in cache, though it is not as standardized as ->get/->set methods API. CHI for example has $cache->compute($key, $code) method. Note that $data might be a reference to a more complicated Perl structure (ir might be arrayref or hashref) -- the usual example is to cache results of a database query. This means that $data must be serialized before writing to cache, though some cache implementations allow to cache raw, unserialized data. This is complicated even more by the fact that some caching engines wrap $data in a cache entry object which stores entry-specific options, e.g. expiration time for cache entry, so we need serializing even if $data is scalar. More important issue is that (with sole exception of old Cache engine) caching is done for data stored in memory. For caching captured output, while using file-based cache, this means that when generating data we have to capture output to variable (e.g. by capturing it to in-memory file, or capturing to temporary file and slurping it to variable / to memory), and then dump (spew) this variable to cache entry file (perhaps with serialization as intermediate step). For when data exist in file based cache this means slurping contents of cache entry file to variable / to memory (perhaps with deserialization in between), then dumping (spewing) this content to STDOUT. This means that to support existing caching engines (Cache::Cache, CHI, Cache::FastMmap, Cache::Memcached, Cache::Ref, etc.) we need to support capturing output to scalar, and dumping data to STDOUT. If caching driver gitweb uses is file based, if data being cached is unstructured and by itself does not require serialization, and if capturing output is based on redirecting STDOUT to a file (perhaps in-memory file), then this intermediate step of in-memory representation (of storing captured output in variable) seems wasteful. Why not capture directly to cache entry file, or dump / copy contents of cache entry file directly to STDOUT? The problem is to design a good API that allows separation of caching, capturing, cache management and gitweb itself. In my rewrite I have chosen to model API after my $data = $cache->compute($key, $code); The difference is that instead of returning scalar value (from cache or calculated by $code), ->compute_fh() method returns a pair of filehandle (opened for reading) and filename: my ($fh, $filename) = $cache->compute_fh($key, $code_fh); The $code_fh is coderef, which instead of returning value to be cached, is passed filehandle opened for writing and filename to write to. 7. saving in text or binary; printing data from cache in binary mode I'd like to repeat what I have written a few times earlier: if we take care that PerlIO ':utf8' or ':raw' layers are applied correctly during capture, then the data saved to cache can be treated as binary. This means that we can read cache entry file in ':raw' mode and dump it to STDOUT which is also in ':raw' (binary mode), regardless whether output was done in text or binary mode. This means that there is no need to special case in the caching layer actions which output or can write binary (':raw') output. 8. atomic file write and locking There is yet another are where original J.H. patches and my rewrite differs, namely in using atomic file write and in locking. In my code caching engine writes data to temporary file (File::Temp without locking, <entry>.tmp with locking), then it gets [atomically] renamed to final destination. This means that if there is data in cache (possibly stale), we can read it *without locking*. Locking in my rewrite is needed only to chose one of clients as the one that would be (re)generating data in cache, which is done via non blocking writer (exclusive) lock, and to notify other clients when data is ready (written to cache), via blocking reader (shared) lock. Sidenote: CHI has different mechanism to avoid cache miss stampedes (though it doesn't protect against generic concurrent access when there is no data in cache), namely the 'expires_variance' mechanism, see CHI documentation, e.g. It is meant to protect against stampede at the end of cache expiration time, via "smearing" expiration time: it allows items to expire a little earlier than the stated expiration time. 9. background cache generation In my rewrite caching engine first checks if forking a background process is needed (it is configurable), and only then fork() is used. There are two slightly different situations where background cache generation can be used. First is when there is stale (but not too stale) data to be served. In this case caching engine runs process generating data in background, and foreground process (all foreground processes: the one responsible for regenerating data (got lock) and others) returns stale data. Foreground process doesn't, and shouldn't, wait for background process. This means that background process has to be detached as to not generate zombie processes. I do this in my rewrite. Second is if there is no stale data to serve (or data is too stale), but we have progress indicator. In this case the foreground process is responsible for rendering progress indicator, and background process is responsible for generating data. In this case foreground process waits for data to be generated (unless progress info subroutine exits), so strictly spaking we don't need to detach background process in this case. 10. HTTP aware output caching, HTTP aware caching engine (c.f. CHI) In one of additional patches sent in last version (v7) of my (shortened) rewrite I have make use of the fact that what gitweb caches is HTTP response. One of things that were done in this patch was adding 'Content-Length' header if it was not present already. In the case of this header, it can be added when printing data from cache, or it can be added when saving data to cache. In the case of adding it when saving data to cache it can be done by caching engine itself, or it can be done by output caching "middleware". (In the case of patch in question it is added during printing by output caching middleware.) Other such header is 'Expires' header (or 'Cache-Control: max-age='). It can be used when printing data from cache to reflect _current_ expiration time (which depends on current load in the case of adaptive cache lifetime), like it is done in my patch. On the other hand it can be used by caching engine to store per-entry expiration time: current code only supports global (per-cache) expiration time. There are however two complications with 'Expires' header. First, it should never be in the past - this might happen when we are serving stale data while waiting for data in cache to be regenerated,... or if gitweb set some expire time, like when it knows that the data would never change, because link uses SHA-1 identifier. Second, when gitweb sets expire time then outpot cahcing middleware should probably rewrite it to be maximum of gitweb's expire at the time of generation and cache entry expire... or gitweb can be modified to use Cache-Control: max-age instead. Perhaps we could also add 'Last-Modified' header, setting it to the date of cache generation; maybe even add support for If-Modified-Since conditional request, though I am not sure where in the layer it should be added: perhaps yet another middleware between gitweb and output caching? With output caching gitweb can also support 'Range' requests, which means that it would support resumable download. This would mean hat we would be able to resume downloading of snapshot (or in the future bundle)... if we cannot do this now. This would require some more code to be added. We might also want to compress body (payload) of HTTP response, and add 'Content-Encoding: gzip' header... perhaps supporting transparent decompression in the case when web browser doesn't support required encoding. In this case we must do compression and adding of header when saving data to cache, and must do transparent decompression (if needed) on sending data to browser. Another HTTP header that could be added is 'X-Sendfile' or 'X-Accel-Redirect', though I think that it needs to be done in the output caching middleware (i.e. cache_output subroutine in GitwebCache::CacheOutput in my rewrite). -- Jakub NarÄbski Poland -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe git" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at