While cleaning up the 'log -L' series I gathered a large number of little fixups, and decided it would be smart if git could automatically figure out where to put them. It works like this: * Split the diff by hunk. I'm using -U1 here for finer splits, but it could be tunable. * For each hunk, run blame to find out which commit's lines were affected. * Group the hunks by this commit, and output them with a suitable command to make a fixup. My git-fixup is $ g config alias.fixup !sh -c 'r=$1; git commit -m"fixup! $(git log -1 --pretty=%s $r)"' - so that is "suitable". You would run it with the changes unstaged in your tree as ./git-fixup-assigner.perl > fixups and can then review with 'less fixups', or run 'sh fixups' to commit them. It's certainly not perfect, notably the detection logic should ignore context, but it got the job done. --- 8< --- #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; sub parse_hunk_header { my ($line) = @_; my ($o_ofs, $o_cnt, $n_ofs, $n_cnt) = $line =~ /^@@ -(\d+)(?:,(\d+))? \+(\d+)(?:,(\d+))? @@/; $o_cnt = 1 unless defined $o_cnt; $n_cnt = 1 unless defined $n_cnt; return ($o_ofs, $o_cnt, $n_ofs, $n_cnt); } sub find_commit { my ($file, $begin, $end) = @_; my $blame; open($blame, '-|', 'git', '--no-pager', 'blame', 'HEAD', "-L$begin,$end", $file) or die; my %candidate; while (<$blame>) { $candidate{$1} += 1 if /^([0-9a-f]+)/; } close $blame or die; my @sorted = sort { $candidate{$b} <=> $candidate{$a} } keys %candidate; if (1 < scalar @sorted) { print STDERR "ambiguous split $file:$begin..$end\n"; foreach my $c (@sorted) { print STDERR "\t$candidate{$c}\t$c\n"; } } return $sorted[0]; } my $diff; open($diff, '-|', 'git', '--no-pager', 'diff', '-U1') or die; my %by_commit; my @cur_hunk = (); my $cur_commit; my ($filename, $prefilename, $postfilename); while (<$diff>) { if (m{^diff --git ./(.*) ./\1$}) { if (@cur_hunk) { push @{$by_commit{$cur_commit}{$filename}}, @cur_hunk; @cur_hunk = (); } $filename = $1; $prefilename = "./" . $1; $postfilename = "./" . $1; } elsif (m{^index}) { # ignore } elsif (m{^new file}) { $prefilename = '/dev/null'; } elsif (m{^delete file}) { $postfilename = '/dev/null'; } elsif (m{^--- $prefilename$}) { } elsif (m{^\+\+\+ $postfilename$}) { } elsif (m{^@@ }) { if (@cur_hunk) { push @{$by_commit{$cur_commit}{$filename}}, @cur_hunk; @cur_hunk = (); } push @cur_hunk, $_; die "I don't handle this diff" if ($prefilename ne $postfilename); my ($o_ofs, $o_cnt, $n_ofs, $n_cnt) = parse_hunk_header($_); my $o_end = $o_ofs + $o_cnt - 1; $cur_commit = find_commit($filename, $o_ofs, $o_end); } elsif (m{^[-+ \\]}) { push @cur_hunk, $_; } else { die "unhandled diff line: '$_'"; } } close $diff or die; if (@cur_hunk) { push @{$by_commit{$cur_commit}{$filename}}, @cur_hunk; @cur_hunk = (); } print "#!/bin/sh\n\n"; foreach my $commit (keys %by_commit) { print "git apply --cached <<EOF\n"; foreach my $filename (keys %{$by_commit{$commit}}) { print "diff --git a/$filename b/$filename\n"; print "--- a/$filename\n"; print "+++ b/$filename\n"; print @{$by_commit{$commit}{$filename}}; } print "EOF\n\n"; print "git fixup $commit\n\n"; } --- >8 --- -- Thomas Rast trast@{inf,student}.ethz.ch -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe git" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html