git-show-merge-path v2.0

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I thought i was done with this thing, but decided to add the experimental
fastforward detection, and while doing that also fixed a lot of corner
case bugs, which didn't appear when testing on real repos. Like breaking
w/ used in repos that have no annotated tags or reporting that a commit is 
unreachable, when in fact the branch head points at it.

The one new experimental feature is the FF detection.

It received little testing and is off by default.
For the artificial "fake" repos, it puts every single commit on the
correct branch. In practice i guess it depends on how creative people
get and if there's some, preferably hook-enforced, policy in place.

Is it useful? Well, I'm not sure yet, here are some examples:
[s/origin/heads/ if that's where your master/next/maint etc lives]
[all of these cmds show just one merge if ran w/o '-g']

$ git-show-merge-path 442b3caaee origin 
f4198c9b7d31 M: 'master'@git://                   080316 06:07
          \_ Appears in HEAD, maint, master, next and pu [v1.5.4.4-616-gf4198c9]
             Not reachable from html, man and todo

$ git-show-merge-path 442b3caaee origin -g
          \_ Appears in master [gitgui-0.9.3-33-g442b3ca]
f4198c9b7d31 M: 'master'@git://                   080316 06:07
          \_ Appears in HEAD, next and pu [v1.5.4.4-616-gf4198c9]
319a36a5c2da M: 'maint'                                             080327 20:35
          \_ Appears in maint [v1.5.5-rc1-21-g319a36a]
             Not reachable from html, man and todo

$ git-show-merge-path 1b6ecbad3511 origin -g
          \_ Appears in maint [v1.7.2.3-8-g1b6ecba]
8ac8cf5bc17e M: 'maint'                                             100910 00:29
          \_ Appears in HEAD, master, next and pu [v1.7.3-rc0-35-g8ac8cf5]
             Not reachable from html, man and todo
$ git-show-merge-path 4ce6fb805803 origin -g
9f44723d1a2c M: 'en/d-f-conflict-fix'                               100908 15:54
          \_ Appears in HEAD, master, next and pu [v1.7.3-rc0-8-g9f44723]
5879b6bbcaba M: 'maint'                                             100912 20:53
          \_ Appears in maint [v1.7.3-rc1-4-g5879b6b]
             Not reachable from html, man and todo

It can easily get confused, and i didn't even bother to tweak the heuristic
to fix specific cases (like 'master' being somewhat special).
That's why this is off by default and needs to be explicitly turned on ("-g").
Always run the script w/o '-g' and only turn it on to get a more detailed, but
possibly misleading view later.

Then, there's the hidden easter egg enabled by '-g2'. Added while writing this
email, so you can imagine just how much testing it has received...
This mode works best when you request only refs that are all reachable from
the commit in question, as this will prevent uninteresting merges (past the
real merge point) from being shown. (IOW pick one of the refs printed after
the last merge point shown w/o '-g2')

$ git-show-merge-path 1b6ecbad3511 origin/master -g2
          \_ Appears in $dr/maint-ls-tree-prefix-recursion-fix and $maint [v1.7.2.3-8-g1b6ecba]
8ac8cf5bc17e M: 'maint'                                             100910 00:29
          \_ Appears in master [v1.7.3-rc0-35-g8ac8cf5]

$ git-show-merge-path d5675bd204e heads/master    
8bd39456bd5a M: 'vhost-net'@$KO/mst/vhost                           100703 05:29
597e608a8492 M: 'master' of $KO/davem/net-2.6                       100707 22:59
2aa72f612144 M: $KO/davem/net-2.6                                   100708 02:56
          \_ Appears in master [v2.6.35-rc4-86-g2aa72f6]

$ git-show-merge-path d5675bd204e heads/master -g2
          \_ Appears in $vhost-net [v2.6.35-rc1-140-gd5675bd]
8bd39456bd5a M: 'vhost-net'@$KO/mst/vhost                           100703 05:29
          \_ Appears in $davem/net-2.6 and $master [v2.6.35-rc1-182-g8bd3945]
597e608a8492 M: 'master' of $KO/davem/net-2.6                       100707 22:59
          \_ Appears in $davem/net-next-2.6, $for-davem and $vhost-net-next [v2.6.35-rc1-1020-g597e608]
2aa72f612144 M: $KO/davem/net-2.6                                   100708 02:56
          \_ Appears in master [v2.6.35-rc4-86-g2aa72f6]

So it can sometimes be used to easily dig out a little bit more info,
w/o having to look at the rest of the history.

Amazingly enough, this thing can still be almost twice as fast as the
equivalent "git tag --contains". And I thought git was fast. :^)

#! /usr/bin/env pike
// git-show-merge-path <rev> [refs-glob ...]
// v2.0
// Will show all external merge commits starting at <rev> until
// this commit appears on the specified branches. When that happens
// "Appears in <branchlist>" is printed. If <rev> is still
// unreachable from some of the branches then the search continues.
// If at least one of the branches does not contain <rev> then $0
// can and will print *all* merges (ie it won't stop at the last
// of the given branches containing this commit), followed by 
// "Not reachable from <branchlist>". This is a feature (can be
// used to find leaks outside of the given branches).
#define die(a...) exit(1, "Aborting; %s"+a)

static mapping commits = ([]);

#define ismerge(c) (sizeof( (c)["parent"] )>1)

void pp_commit(string id) {
   mapping c = commits[id];
   if (!options["guessff"] || !c )
   if (sizeof(c["parent"])==2) {
      string b0, b1;
      foreach (mergesub, string form)  
	 if (sscanf(c[""][1], form, b0, b1)==3)
      if (!b0 || !b1) {
         foreach (mmergesub, string form)  
            if (sscanf(c[""][1], form, b0)==2)
	 b1 = "master";

      if (b0 && b1) {
         if ((int)options["guessff"]>=2) {
	    c["Branch"] = (["$"+b0:0, "$"+b1:0]) + (c["Branch"]?c["Branch"]:([]));
	    commits[ c["parent"][0] ]["Branch"] = 
	        (["$"+b0:0, "$"+b1:0]) + (commits[ c["parent"][0] ]["Branch"]||([]));
	    extrabranches = (["$"+b0:0, "$"+b1:0]) + extrabranches;
	    mapping bm = (["$"+b0:0])&c["Branch"];

	    if (sizeof(bm) && sizeof((["$"+b1:0])&c["Branch"])) {
	       commits[ c["parent"][0] ]["Branch"] -= bm;

	       if (!commits[ c["parent"][1] ])
        	  commits[ c["parent"][1] ] = ([ "Branch" : bm ]);
        	  commits[ c["parent"][1] ]["Branch"] += bm;
         if (!c["Branch"])
	 mapping bm = ([b0:0])&c["Branch"];
	 if (sizeof(bm) && sizeof(([b1:0])&c["Branch"])) {
	    if (options["verbose"])
               werror(" # Undoing FF @ %.12s %s\n", id, squeeze_subject(c[""][1]));
	    commits[ c["parent"][0] ]["Branch"] -= bm;
	    if (!commits[ c["parent"][1] ])
               commits[ c["parent"][1] ] = ([ "Branch" : bm ]);
               commits[ c["parent"][1] ]["Branch"] += bm;
         if (options["verbose"])
            werror(" # Unsupported merge subject %O\n", c[""][1]);

array parsecommits(string ... delim) {
   array res = ({});
   string id;
   array lines = run("git", "rev-list", "--format=raw", "--ancestry-path",
                                        "--date-order", @delim)/"\n";
   foreach (lines, string line) {
      array words = line/" ";
      string h = words[0];
      if (h=="commit") {
         id = words[1];
         if (!commits[id])
            commits[id] = ([]);
         res += ({id});
      } else if (h=="") {
         if (commits[id])
            commits[id][""] += ({line});
      else {
         if (h=="parent") {
            string parent = words[1];
            if (!commits[parent])
	       commits[parent] = ([]);
	    if (!commits[id]["parent"]) // first parent?
	       if (commits[id]["Branch"]) {
	          if (!commits[parent]["Branch"])
		     commits[parent]["Branch"] = ([]);
        	  commits[parent]["Branch"] += commits[id]["Branch"];
         commits[id][h] += words[1..];
   return res;

static mapping desc = ([]);

static mapping branchnames = ([]);    // name : id
static mapping extrabranches = ([]);  // name : id

static mapping options = ([]);;
static array option_array = ({
   ({ "guessff", Getopt.MAY_HAVE_ARG, ({"-g"}) }),
   ({ "verbose", Getopt.MAY_HAVE_ARG, ({"-v", "--verbose"}) }),

int main(int argc, array argv) {
   array oa = Getopt.find_all_options(argv, option_array);
   foreach (oa, array a)
      options += ([a[0]:a[1]]);
   argv = Getopt.get_args(argv);
   argv[1] = (run("git", "rev-parse", argv[1])/"\n")[0];
   if (argc==2)
      argv += ({"master"});
   branchnames = git_refs(argv[2..]);
   if (sizeof(branchnames)==0)
      die("refs not found:%{ \"%s\"%}\n", "", argv[2..]);
   foreach (branchnames; string b; string id)
      if (commits[id])
         commits[id]["Branch"] += ([b:id]);
         commits[id] = ([ "Branch" : ([b:id]) ]);
   array commit_list = parsecommits("^"+argv[1], @values(branchnames));
   commit_list += ({argv[1]});
   commit_list = reverse(commit_list);
   desc[argv[1]] = 1;
   foreach (commit_list, string id) {
      mapping c = commits[id];
      if (!c)
      if (commits[id]["parent"]) {
         foreach (commits[id]["parent"], string parent)
            if (desc[parent])
                desc[id] = 1;
         if (ismerge(commits[id]))
            if (!desc[commits[id]["parent"][0]])
      mapping br = commits[id]["Branch"];
      if (br) {
         mapping reached = br&(branchnames|extrabranches);
         if (sizeof(reached)>0) {
	    array refs = Array.sort_array(indices(reached&branchnames));
	    if (sizeof(refs)) {
               flush("          \\_ Appears in %s [%s]\n",
	               String.implode_nicely(refs), git_describe(id) );
            branchnames -= reached;
            if (sizeof(branchnames)==0)
	    refs = Array.sort_array(indices(reached&extrabranches));
	    if (sizeof(refs)) {
               flush("          \\_ Appears in %s [%s]\n",
	               String.implode_nicely(refs), git_describe(id) );
            extrabranches -= reached;
      m_delete(commits, id);
   array refs = Array.sort_array(indices(branchnames));
   if (options["verbose"] || sizeof(refs)<10)
      write("             Not reachable from %s\n", String.implode_nicely(refs));
      write("             Not reachable from %d refs (use -v option to show them all)\n",

static array outlines = ({});
static mapping shown = ([]);

void printidline(string id) {
  int comtime = commits[id]["committer"] && (int)commits[id]["committer"][-2];
  string subj = " ";
  if (shown[id])
  shown[id] = 1;
  if (commits[id][""])
     subj = commits[id][""][1];
  outlines += ({
     sprintf("%.12s %-54.54s %.12s\n", id,
void flush(string fmt, string ... args) {
   write(fmt, @args);
   outlines = ({});

string git_describe(string id) {
   string res = (tryrun("git", "describe", id)/"\n")[0];
   if (res=="")
      res = (tryrun("git", "describe", "--tags", id)/"\n")[0];
   return res;

// Given glob pattern(s) ("m?st*r") return a mapping of
// all matching existing refs (symbolic:dereferenced_id)
mapping git_refs(array patterns) {
   mapping res = ([]);
   array tags = ({});

   foreach (patterns; int i; string pattern)
      if (pattern[0..4]!="refs/")
         patterns[i] = "*/"+pattern;
   foreach (run("git", "show-ref")/"\n", string line) {
      array words = line/" ";
      if (sizeof(words)<2)
      foreach (patterns, string pattern)
         if (glob(pattern, words[1]) || glob(pattern+"/*", words[1])) {
            if (words[1][0..9]!="refs/tags/")
               res += ([ words[1] : words[0] ]);
               tags += ({words[1]});
   if (sizeof(tags)) {
      foreach (run("git", "show-ref", "-d", @tags)/"\n", string line) {
         if (line=="")
         array words = line/" ";
         if (line[sizeof(line)-3..]=="^{}")
            res += ([ words[1][..sizeof(words[1])-4] : words[0] ]);
	 else // Could be a lightweight tag.
            if (!res[words[1]])
               res += ([ words[1] : words[0] ]);
   string prefix = String.common_prefix(indices(res));
   if (prefix!="") {
      int preflen = sizeof(prefix);
      while (preflen && prefix[preflen-1]!='/')
      foreach (res; string in; string val)
         res[in[preflen..]] = m_delete(res, in);
   return res;

string squeeze_subject(string subject) {
   subject = String.trim_all_whites(subject);
   subject = String.expand_tabs(subject);
   foreach (sub_from_to, mapping m)
      subject = replace(subject, m);
   return subject;

static array(mapping) sub_from_to =
      "Merge branch " : "Merge ",
      "Merge remote branch " : "Merge ",
      "Merge branches " : "MM:",
      "Merge " : "M: ",
      "' of git:": "'@git:",
      "' into ": "' => ",
       "git://" : "$KO/",
       "" : "$KO/",
       "commit '" : "C'"

static array mergesub =
   "%*[ ]Merge branch '%s' into %s",
   "%*[ ]Merge remote branch '%s' into %s",
   "%*[ ]Merge commit '%s' into %s",      // Hmm.
   "%*[ ]Merge tag '%s' into %s",         // Hmm^2.
   "%*[ ]Merge git://%s into %s",
   "%*[ ]Merge branch %s into %s",

static array mmergesub =
   "%*[ ]Merge branch '%s'",
   "%*[ ]Merge commit '%s'",              // Hmm.
   // project-specific
   "%*[ ]Merge git://",
   // Scary? This is here for mostly historical reasons and really old merges:
   "%*[ ]Merge ssh://",
   "%*[ ]Merge",
   "%*[ ]Merge",
   "%*[ ]Merge with /pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/%s",
   "%*[ ]Merge with git+ssh://",
   "%*[ ]Merge with ssh://",
   "%*[ ]Merge with";,
   "%*[ ]Merge with rsync://",
   "%*[ ]Merge of rsync://",
   "%*[ ]Merge rsync://",
   "%*[ ]Merge with",
   "%*[ ]Merge of",
   "%*[ ]Merge of",
   "%*[ ]Automatic merge of rsync://",
   "%*[ ]Automatic merge of",
   "%*[ ]Automatic merge of",
   "%*[ ]Merge HEAD from",
   // Too generic? Comment them out and run with "-g -v" to look
   // for better candidates.
   "%*[ ]Merge git://%[^' ]",
   //"%*[ ]Merge %[^' ]",

string run(string ... cmdline) {
#if __REAL_MAJOR__<7 || __REAL_MAJOR__==7 && __REAL_MINOR__<8
   string s = Process.popen(cmdline*" ");
   if (s=="")
      die("\n", cmdline*" ");
   return s;
   mapping r;
   mixed e = catch { r = ({@cmdline}) ); };
   if (e || r["exitcode"])
      die("", e?e:r["stderr"]);
   return r["stdout"];

string tryrun(string ... cmdline) {
#if __REAL_MAJOR__<7 || __REAL_MAJOR__==7 && __REAL_MINOR__<8
   return Process.popen(cmdline*" " + " 2>/dev/null");
   mapping r;
   mixed e = catch { r = ({@cmdline}) ); };
   if (e || r["exitcode"])
      return "";
   return r["stdout"];

static object cal = Calendar.ISO.set_timezone(Calendar.Timezone.UTC);


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