At Mon May 10 13:05:17 -0400 2010, Nick wrote: > [snip] > The best idea I've come across seems to be some sort of wrapper for git, which > if no $GIT_USER_* is defined, can use $SUDO_USER and/or `who am i` to identify > the original log-in account, and sets $GIT_AUTHOR_NAME etc. - else if it can't > do this, it refuses to commit. Or perhaps it would be a script which spawns a > shell with the right environment to invoke git commands from, after successfully > determining the identity. At work, we have a number of repositories which we store server configurations in, most of which are only writable as root. We use the script below to ensure that git mostly doesn't lie about the authors of commits. This won't solve your problem of people logging in under shared credentials -- and it also _does_ allow commits as 'root' if you logged in directly as root -- but it's perhaps a partial solution for you. - Alex -------------------->8-------------------- #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use constant EMAIL_DOMAIN => ""; setenv( get_user($$) ); exec("/usr/bin/git", @ARGV); sub setenv { my $user = shift; # If they're _really_ _really_ root, just bail now return if $user eq "root"; # Ditto if we can't find the user (?!) my @getpw = getpwnam($user); return unless @getpw; my $name; my $email; # See if we can pull from the user's config my $gitconfig = "$getpw[7]/.gitconfig"; if (-r $gitconfig) { $name = `/usr/bin/git config --file $gitconfig`; chomp $name; $email = `/usr/bin/git config --file $gitconfig`; chomp $email; } # Fall back to getent $name ||= $getpw[6] || $user; $email ||= $user . '@' . EMAIL_DOMAIN; $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_NAME} = $name; $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL} = $email; } sub get_user { my $pid = shift; # See if the PID is bogus return "root" unless $pid and kill 0, $pid; # Pull out the env from it my %env = getenv($pid); # Simplest case -- check USER first if ($env{USER} and $env{USER} ne "root") { return $env{USER}; } # Or we're running under sudo if ($env{SUDO_USER} and $env{SUDO_USER} ne "root") { return $env{SUDO_USER}; } # They did something like `sudo su -` return get_user(parent_pid($pid)); } sub getenv { my $pid = shift; my $env = do {local @ARGV = ("/proc/$pid/environ"); local $/; <>}; my @lines = split /\0/, $env; return () unless grep {/=/} @lines; my %env = map {split /=/, $_, 2} @lines; return %env; } sub parent_pid { my $pid = shift; my $stat = do {local @ARGV = ("/proc/$pid/stat"); local $/; <>}; my (undef, undef, undef, $ppid) = split ' ', $stat; return $ppid; } -- Networking -- only one letter away from not working -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe git" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at