On 05/08/2010 04:24 AM, Jack Moore wrote:
I'm trying to setup a git repository on an isolated (not connected to the internet) network.
> The repository is to be accessed by several developers on their own
workstations (all running RHEL 5).
> I have got git to build and install the executable with no problem,
but when I try to build the
> documentation is runs into problems with ASCIIDOC. I found an
ASCIIDOC rpm for version 8.x.
> I think ASCIIDOC is looking for some standard DTDs. Does anyone have
> suggestions?
Once you get asciidoc, you should have everything else you need in the
stock RHEL distribution to build locally. This would include things like:
and dependencies for those. (There might be an important item or two
missing from that list. It's from memory.) Asciidoc is available from
the EPEL repo if the one you found doesn't work for some reason.
The other suggestion of building just the quick docs is good too unless
you really want/need them.
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