[PATCH 12/19] 1/2: Add Python support library for CVS remote helper

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From: Johan Herland <johan@xxxxxxxxxxx>

This patch introduces parts of a Python package called "git_remote_cvs"
containing the building blocks of the CVS remote helper.
The CVS remote helper itself is NOT part of this patch.

This patch has been improved by the following contributions:
- David Aguilar: Lots of Python coding style fixes

Cc: David Aguilar <davvid@xxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Johan Herland <johan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Sverre Rabbelier <srabbelier@xxxxxxxxx>

	This has my patch to util.py squashed in.

 git_remote_cvs/changeset.py        |  126 +++++
 git_remote_cvs/cvs.py              |  998 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 git_remote_cvs/cvs_symbol_cache.py |  313 +++++++++++
 git_remote_cvs/util.py             |  194 +++++++
 4 files changed, 1631 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 git_remote_cvs/changeset.py
 create mode 100644 git_remote_cvs/cvs.py
 create mode 100644 git_remote_cvs/cvs_symbol_cache.py
 create mode 100644 git_remote_cvs/util.py

diff --git a/git_remote_cvs/changeset.py b/git_remote_cvs/changeset.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9eea9d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git_remote_cvs/changeset.py
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Code for collecting individual CVS revisions into "changesets"
+A changeset is a collection of CVSRev objects that belong together in
+the same "commit".  This is a somewhat artificial construct on top of
+CVS, which only stores changes at the per-file level.  Normally, CVS
+users create several CVS revisions simultaneously by applying the
+"cvs commit" command to several files with related changes.  This
+module tries to reconstruct this notion of related revisions.
+from git_remote_cvs.util import debug, error, die
+class Changeset(object):
+    """Encapsulate a single changeset/commit."""
+    __slots__ = ('revs', 'date', 'author', 'message')
+    # The maximum time between the changeset's date, and the date of a
+    # rev to included in that changeset.
+    MaxSecondsBetweenRevs = 8 * 60 * 60  # 8 hours
+    @classmethod
+    def from_rev (cls, rev):
+        """Return a Changeset based on the given CVSRev object."""
+        c = cls(rev.date, rev.author, rev.message)
+        result = c.add(rev)
+        assert result
+        return c
+    def __init__ (self, date, author, message):
+        """Create a new Changeset with the given metadata."""
+        self.revs = {}  # dict: path -> CVSRev object
+        self.date = date  # CVSDate object
+        self.author = author
+        self.message = message  # Lines of commit message
+    def __str__ (self):
+        """Stringify this Changeset object."""
+        msg = self.message[0]  # First line only
+        # Limit message to 25 chars
+        if len(msg) > 25:
+            msg = msg[:22] + "..."
+        return ("<Changeset @(%s) by %s (%s) updating %i files>" %
+                (self.date, self.author, msg, len(self.revs)))
+    def __iter__ (self):
+        """Return iterator traversing the CVSRevs in this Changeset."""
+        return self.revs.itervalues()
+    def __getitem__ (self, path):
+        """Look up a specific CVSRev in this Changeset."""
+        return self.revs[path]
+    def within_time_window (self, rev):
+        """Return True iff the rev is within the time window of self."""
+        return abs(rev.date.diff(self.date)) <= self.MaxSecondsBetweenRevs
+    def add (self, rev):
+        """Add the given CVSRev to this Changeset.
+        The addition will only succeed if the following holds:
+          - rev.author == self.author
+          - rev.message == self.message
+          - rev.path is not in self.revs
+          - rev.date is within MaxSecondsBetweenRevs of self.date
+        If the addition succeeds, True is returned; otherwise False.
+        """
+        if rev.author != self.author or \
+           rev.message != self.message or \
+           rev.path in self.revs or \
+           not self.within_time_window(rev):
+            return False
+        self.revs[rev.path] = rev
+        return True
+def build_changesets_from_revs (cvs_revs):
+    """Organize CVSRev objects into a chronological list of Changesets."""
+    # Construct chronological list of CVSRev objects
+    chron_revs = []
+    for path, d in cvs_revs.iteritems():
+        i = 0  # Current index into chronRevs
+        for revnum, cvsrev in sorted(d.iteritems()):
+            assert path == cvsrev.path
+            assert revnum == cvsrev.num
+            while i < len(chron_revs) and cvsrev.date > chron_revs[i].date:
+                i += 1
+            # Insert cvsRev at position i in chronRevs
+            chron_revs.insert(i, cvsrev)
+            i += 1
+    changesets = []  # Chronological list of Changeset objects
+    while len(chron_revs):
+        # There are still more revs to be added to Changesets
+        # Create Changeset based on the first rev in chronRevs
+        changeset = Changeset.from_rev(chron_revs.pop(0))
+        # Keep adding revs chronologically until MaxSecondsBetweenRevs
+        rejects = []  # Revs that cannot be added to this changeset
+        while len(chron_revs):
+            rev = chron_revs.pop(0)
+            reject = False
+            # First, if we have one of rev's parents in rejects, we
+            # must also reject rev
+            for r in rejects:
+                if r.path == rev.path:
+                    reject = True
+                    break
+            # Next, add rev to changeset, reject if add fails
+            if not reject:
+                reject = not changeset.add(rev)
+            if reject:
+                rejects.append(rev)
+                # stop trying when rev is too far in the future
+                if not changeset.within_time_window(rev):
+                    break
+        chron_revs = rejects + chron_revs  # Reconstruct remaining revs
+        changesets.append(changeset)
+    return changesets
diff --git a/git_remote_cvs/cvs.py b/git_remote_cvs/cvs.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f870ae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git_remote_cvs/cvs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,998 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Functionality for interacting with CVS repositories.
+This module provides classes for interrogating a CVS repository via a
+CVS working directory (aka. checkout), or via direct queries using the
+"cvs rlog" command.
+Also, classes for encapsulating fundamental CVS concepts (like CVS
+revision/branch numbers) are provided.
+import sys
+import os
+import shutil
+import time
+from calendar import timegm
+import unittest
+from git_remote_cvs.util import (debug, error, die, ProgressIndicator,
+                                 start_command, run_command,
+                                 file_reader_method, file_writer_method)
+class CVSNum(object):
+    """Encapsulate a single CVS revision/branch number.
+    Provides functionality for common operations on CVS numbers.
+    A CVS number consists of a list of components separated by periods
+    ('.'), where each component is a decimal number.  Inspecting the
+    components from left to right, the odd-numbered (1st, 3rd, 5th,
+    etc.) components represent branches in the CVS history tree, while
+    the even-numbered (2nd, 4th, 6th, etc.) components represent
+    revisions on the branch specified in the previous position.
+    Thus "1.2" denotes the second revision on the first branch
+    (aka. trunk), while "" denotes the sixth revision of the
+    fourth branch started from revision "1.2".
+    Therefore, in general, a CVS number with an even number of
+    components denotes a revision (we call this a "revision number"),
+    while an odd number of components denotes a branch (called a
+    "branch number").
+    There are a few complicating peculiarities: If there is an even
+    number of components, and the second-last component is 0, the
+    number is not a revision number, but is rather equivalent to the
+    branch number we get by removing the 0-component.  I.e. ""
+    is equivalent to "1.2.4".
+    A branch number (except the trunk: "1") always has a "branch point"
+    revision, i.e. the revision from which the branch was started.
+    This revision is found by removing the last component of the branch
+    number.  For example the branch point of "1.2.4" is "1.2".
+    Conversely, all revision numbers belong to a corresponding branch,
+    whose branch number is found by removing the last component.
+    Examples: The "" revision belong to the "1.2.4" branch,
+    while the "1.2" revision belongs to the "1" branch (the "trunk").
+    From this we can programatically determine the ancestry of any
+    revision number, by decrementing the last revision component until
+    it equals 1, and then trim off the last two components to get to
+    the branch point, and repeat the process from there until we reach
+    the initial revision (typically "1.1").  For example, recursively
+    enumerating the parent revisions of "" yields the following
+    revisions:
+    "", "", "", "", "", "1.2", "1.1"
+    """
+    __slots__ = ('c',)
+    @staticmethod
+    def decompose (cvsnum):
+        """Split the given CVS number into a list of int components.
+        Branch numbers are normalized to the odd-numbered components
+        form (i.e. removing the second last '0' component)
+        Examples:
+          '' -> [1, 2, 4, 8]
+          '1.2.3'   -> [1, 2, 3]
+          '' -> [1, 2, 5]
+        """
+        if cvsnum:
+            r = map(int, cvsnum.split('.'))
+        else:
+            r = []
+        if len(r) >= 2 and r[-2] == 0:
+            del r[-2]
+        if r[-1] == 0:
+            raise ValueError(cvsnum)
+        return tuple(r)
+    @staticmethod
+    def compose (c):
+        """Join the given list of integer components into a CVS number.
+        E.g.: (1, 2, 4, 8) -> ''
+        """
+        if c[-1] == 0:
+            raise ValueError(str(c))
+        return ".".join(map(str, c))
+    @classmethod
+    def from_components (cls, args):
+        """Create a CVSNum from the given list of numerical components."""
+        return cls(cls.compose(args))
+    @classmethod
+    def disjoint (cls, a, b):
+        """Return True iff the CVS numbers are historically disjoint.
+        Two CVS numbers are disjoint if they do not share the same
+        historical line back to the initial revision.  In other words:
+        the two numbers are disjoint if the history (i.e. set of parent
+        revisions all the way back to the intial (1.1) revision) of
+        neither number is a superset of the other's history.
+        See test_disjoint() for practical examples:
+        """
+        if a.is_branch():
+            a = cls.from_components(a.c + (1,))
+        if b.is_branch():
+            b = cls.from_components(b.c + (1,))
+        if len(a.c) > len(b.c):
+            a, b = b, a  # a is now shortest
+        pairs = zip(a.c, b.c)
+        for pa, pb in pairs[:-1]:
+            if pa != pb:
+                return True
+        if len(a) == len(b):
+            return False
+        common_len = len(a)
+        if a.c[common_len - 1] <= b.c[common_len - 1]:
+            return False
+        return True
+    def __init__ (self, cvsnum):
+        """Create a CVSNum object from the given CVS number string."""
+        self.c = self.decompose(str(cvsnum))
+    def __repr__ (self):
+        """Return a string representation of this object."""
+        return self.compose(self.c)
+    def __str__ (self):
+        """Return a string representation of this object."""
+        return repr(self)
+    def __hash__ (self):
+        """Create a hash value for this CVS number."""
+        return hash(repr(self))
+    def __len__ (self):
+        """Return number of components in this CVS number."""
+        return len(self.c)
+    def __cmp__ (self, other):
+        """Comparison method for CVS numbers."""
+        try:
+            return cmp(self.c, other.c)
+        except AttributeError:
+            return 1
+    def __getitem__ (self, key):
+        """Return the Xth component of this CVS number."""
+        return self.c[key]
+    def is_rev (self):
+        """Return True iff this number is a CVS revision number."""
+        return len(self.c) % 2 == 0 and len(self.c) >= 2 and self.c[-2] != 0
+    def is_branch (self):
+        """Return True iff this number is a CVS branch number."""
+        return len(self.c) % 2 != 0 or (len(self.c) >= 2 and self.c[-2] == 0)
+    def components (self):
+        """Return a list of integer components in this CVS number."""
+        return list(self.c)
+    def branch (self):
+        """Return the branch on which the given number lives.
+        Revisions: chop the last component to find the branch, e.g.:
+   -> 1.2.4
+            1.1 -> 1
+        Branches: unchanged
+        """
+        if self.is_rev():
+            return self.from_components(self.c[:-1])
+        return self
+    def parent (self):
+        """Return the parent/previous revision number to this number.
+        For revisions, this is the previous revision, e.g.:
+   ->
+   -> 1.2
+            1.1 -> None
+            2.1 -> None
+        For branches, this is the branch point, e.g.:
+            1.2.4 -> 1.2
+            1 -> None
+            2 -> None
+        """
+        if len(self.c) < 2:
+            return None
+        elif len(self.c) % 2:  # Branch number
+            return self.from_components(self.c[:-1])
+        else:  # Revision number
+            assert self.c[-1] > 0
+            result = self.components()
+            result[-1] -= 1  # Decrement final component
+            if result[-1] == 0:  # We're at the start of the branch
+                del result[-2:]  # Make into branch point
+                if not result:
+                    return None
+            return self.from_components(result)
+    def follows (self, other):
+        """Return True iff self historically follows the given rev.
+        This iterates through the parents of self, and returns True iff
+        any of them equals the given rev.  Otherwise, it returns False.
+        """
+        assert other.is_rev()
+        cur = self
+        while cur:
+            if cur == other:
+                return True
+            cur = cur.parent()
+        return False
+    def on_branch (self, branch):
+        """Return True iff this rev is on the given branch.
+        The revs considered to be "on" a branch X also includes the
+        branch point of branch X.
+        """
+        return branch == self.branch() or branch.parent() == self
+class TestCVSNum(unittest.TestCase):
+    """CVSNum selftests."""
+    def test_basic (self):
+        """CVSNum basic selftests."""
+        self.assertEqual(CVSNum("1.2.4"), CVSNum(""))
+        self.assert_(CVSNum("1.2.4").is_branch())
+        self.assert_(CVSNum("1.2").is_rev())
+        self.assert_(CVSNum("1").is_branch())
+        self.assert_(CVSNum("").is_rev())
+        self.assertEqual(CVSNum("").components(), [1, 2, 4, 6])
+        self.assertEqual(CVSNum.from_components([1, 2, 4, 6]),
+                         CVSNum(""))
+        self.assertEqual(str(CVSNum.from_components([1, 2, 4, 6])), "")
+        self.assertEqual(len(CVSNum("")), 4)
+        self.assertEqual(CVSNum("").branch(), CVSNum("1.2.4"))
+        self.assertEqual(CVSNum("1.2.4").branch(), CVSNum("1.2.4"))
+        self.assertEqual(CVSNum("1.1").branch(), CVSNum("1"))
+        self.assertEqual(CVSNum("1").branch(), CVSNum("1"))
+        self.assertEqual(CVSNum("").parent(), CVSNum(""))
+        self.assertEqual(CVSNum("").parent(), CVSNum("1.2"))
+        self.assertEqual(CVSNum("1.2").parent(), CVSNum("1.1"))
+        self.assert_(CVSNum("1.1").parent() is None)
+        self.assert_(CVSNum("2.1").parent() is None)
+        self.assertEqual(CVSNum("1.2.4").parent(), CVSNum("1.2"))
+        self.assert_(CVSNum("1").parent() is None)
+        self.assert_(CVSNum("2").parent() is None)
+    def test_follows (self):
+        """CVSNum.follows() selftests."""
+        self.assert_(CVSNum("").follows(CVSNum("1.1")))
+        self.assert_(CVSNum("").follows(CVSNum("1.2")))
+        self.assert_(CVSNum("").follows(CVSNum("")))
+        self.assert_(CVSNum("").follows(CVSNum("")))
+        self.assert_(CVSNum("").follows(CVSNum("")))
+        self.assert_(CVSNum("").follows(CVSNum("")))
+        self.assert_(CVSNum("").follows(CVSNum("")))
+        self.assert_(CVSNum("").follows(CVSNum("")))
+        self.assertFalse(CVSNum("").follows(CVSNum("")))
+        self.assertFalse(CVSNum("").follows(CVSNum("1.3")))
+        self.assertFalse(CVSNum("1.1").follows(CVSNum("")))
+    def test_disjoint (self):
+        """CVSNum.disjoint() selftests."""
+        tests = [
+            ("1.2", "1.1", False),
+            ("1.2", "1.2", False),
+            ("1.2", "1.3", False),
+            ("1.2", "1.1.2", True),
+            ("1.2", "", True),
+            ("1.2.4", "1.1", False),
+            ("1.2.4", "1.2", False),
+            ("1.2.4", "1.3", True),
+            ("1.2.4", "1.2.2", True),
+            ("1.2.4", "1.2.4", False),
+            ("1.2.4", "1.2.6", True),
+            ("1.2.4", "", True),
+            ("1.2.4", "", False),
+            ("1.2.4", "", True),
+            ("", "1.1", False),
+            ("", "1.2", False),
+            ("", "1.3", True),
+            ("", "1.2.2", True),
+            ("", "", True),
+            ("", "1.2.4", False),
+            ("", "", False),
+            ("", "", False),
+            ("", "", False),
+            ("", "", False),
+            ("", "", False),
+            ("", "", True),
+        ]
+        for a, b, result in tests:
+            self.assertEqual(CVSNum.disjoint(CVSNum(a), CVSNum(b)), result)
+            self.assertEqual(CVSNum.disjoint(CVSNum(b), CVSNum(a)), result)
+class CVSState(object):
+    """Encapsulate a historical state in CVS (a set of paths and nums).
+    This class is a container of CVS pathnames and associated CVSNum
+    objects.
+    No communication with a CVS working directory or repository is done
+    in this class, hence only basic sanity checks are performed:
+      - A path may only appear once in a CVSState.
+      - When adding a path:num pair, path may not already exist in self
+      - When replacing a path:num pair, path must already exist in self
+      - When removing a path:num pair, both path and num must be given
+    IMPORTANT: Objects of this class are hash()able (to support being
+    used as keys in a dict), but they are also mutable.  It is
+    therefore up to the caller to make sure that the object is not
+    changed after being stored in a data structure indexed by its hash
+    value.
+    """
+    __slots__ = ('revs', '_hash')
+    def __init__ (self):
+        """Create a new, empty CVSState."""
+        self.revs = {}  # dict: path -> CVSNum object
+        self._hash = None
+    def __iter__ (self):
+        """Return iterator traversing the (path, CVSNum)s in this CVSState."""
+        return self.revs.iteritems()
+    def __cmp__ (self, other):
+        """Comparison method for CVSState objects."""
+        return cmp(self.revs, other.revs)
+    def __str__ (self):
+        """Stringify this CVSState by listing the contained revisions."""
+        return "".join(["%s:%s\n" % (p, n) for p, n in sorted(self)])
+    def __hash__ (self):
+        """Create a hash value for this CVSState."""
+        if self._hash is None:
+            self._hash = hash(str(self))
+        return self._hash
+    def __getitem__ (self, path):
+        """Return the CVSNum associated with the given path in self."""
+        return self.revs[path]
+    def get (self, path, default = None):
+        """Return the CVSNum associated with the given path in self."""
+        return self.revs.get(path, default)
+    def paths (self):
+        """Return the path names contained within this CVSState."""
+        return self.revs.iterkeys()
+    def add (self, path, revnum):
+        """Add the given path:revnum to this CVSState."""
+        assert path not in self.revs
+        self._hash = None
+        self.revs[path] = revnum
+    def replace (self, path, revnum):
+        """Replace the revnum associated with the given path."""
+        assert path in self.revs
+        self._hash = None
+        self.revs[path] = revnum
+    def remove (self, path, revnum):
+        """Remove the given path:revnum association from this CVSState."""
+        assert path in self.revs and self.revs[path] == revnum
+        self._hash = None
+        del self.revs[path]
+    def copy (self):
+        """Create and return a copy of this object."""
+        ret = CVSState()
+        ret.revs = self.revs.copy()
+        ret._hash = self._hash
+        return ret
+    def load_data (self, note_data):
+        """Load note data as formatted by self.__str__()."""
+        for line in note_data.split("\n"):
+            line = line.strip()
+            if not line:
+                continue
+            path, num = line.rsplit(':', 1)
+            self.add(path, CVSNum(num))
+        self._hash = hash(note_data)
+    def print_members (self, f = sys.stdout, prefix = ""):
+        """Write the members of this CVSState to the given file object."""
+        for path, num in sorted(self):
+            print >> f, "%s%s:%s" % (prefix, path, num)
+    @file_reader_method(missing_ok = True)
+    def load (self, f):
+        """Load CVS state from the given file name/object."""
+        if f:
+            self.load_data(f.read())
+    @file_writer_method
+    def save (self, f):
+        """Save CVS state to the given file name/object."""
+        assert f
+        print >> f, str(self),
+class CVSDate(object):
+    """Encapsulate a timestamp, as reported by CVS.
+    The internal representation of a timestamp is two integers, the
+    first representing the timestamp as #seconds since epoch (UTC),
+    and the second representing the timezone as #minutes offset from
+    UTC.
+    Example: "2007-09-05 17:26:28 -0200" is converted to
+             (1189013188, -120)
+    """
+    __slots__ = ('ts', 'tz')
+    def __init__ (self, date_str = None, in_utc = False):
+        """Convert CVS date string into a CVSDate object.
+        A CVS timestamp string has one of the following forms:
+          - "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss SZZZZ"
+          - "YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss" (with timezone assumed to be UTC)
+        The in_utc parameter determines whether the timestamp part of
+        the given string (the "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" part) is given in
+        local time or UTC (normally CVS dates are given in local time.
+        If given in local time, the timezone offset is subtracted from
+        the timestamp in order to make the time in UTC format.
+        """
+        if date_str is None:
+            self.ts, self.tz = 0, 0
+            return
+        if date_str == "now":
+            self.ts, self.tz = time.time(), 0
+            return
+        date_str = date_str.strip()
+        # Set up self.ts and self.tz
+        if date_str.count(" ") == 2:
+            # Assume format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss SZZZZ"
+            t, z = date_str.rsplit(" ", 1)
+            # Convert timestamp to #secs since epoch (UTC)
+            self.ts = timegm(time.strptime(t, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
+            # Convert timezone into #mins offset from UTC
+            self.tz = int(z[1:3]) * 60 + int(z[3:5])
+            # Incorporate timezone sign
+            if z[0] == '-':
+                self.tz *= -1
+        else:
+            assert date_str.count(" ") == 1
+            # Assume format "YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss"
+            self.ts = timegm(time.strptime(date_str, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))
+            self.tz = 0
+        # Adjust timestamp if not already in UTC
+        if not in_utc:
+            self.ts -= self.tz * 60
+    def tz_str (self):
+        """Return timezone part of self in string format."""
+        sign = '+'
+        if self.tz < 0:
+            sign = '-'
+        hours, minutes = divmod(abs(self.tz), 60)
+        return "%s%02d%02d" % (sign, hours, minutes)
+    def __str__ (self):
+        """Reconstruct date string from members."""
+        s = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(self.ts))
+        return "%s %s" % (s, self.tz_str())
+    def __repr__ (self):
+        """Create a string representation of self."""
+        return "CVSDate('%s')" % (str(self))
+    def __hash__ (self):
+        """Create a hash value from self."""
+        return hash((self.ts, self.tz))
+    def __nonzero__ (self):
+        """Provide interpretation of self in a boolean context."""
+        return bool(self.ts or self.tz)
+    def __cmp__ (self, other):
+        """Comparison method for CVSDate objects."""
+        return cmp(self.ts, other.ts) or cmp(self.tz, other.tz)
+    def __eq__ (self, other):
+        """Return True iff self and other is considered equal."""
+        return self.ts == other.ts and self.tz == other.tz
+    def diff (self, other):
+        """Return difference between self and other in #seconds.
+        Invariant: self == other.add(self.diff(other))
+        """
+        return self.ts - other.ts
+class TestCVSDate(unittest.TestCase):
+    """CVSDate selftests."""
+    def test_basic (self):
+        """CVSDate basic selftests."""
+        a = CVSDate("2009-05-10 14:34:56 +0200")
+        b = CVSDate("2009/05/10 12:34:56")
+        self.assert_(a)
+        self.assert_(b)
+        self.assertEqual(str(a), "2009-05-10 12:34:56 +0200", str(a))
+        self.assertEqual(str(b), "2009-05-10 12:34:56 +0000", str(b))
+        self.assertNotEqual(a, b)
+        self.assertEqual(a.diff(b), 0)
+        c = CVSDate("2009-05-10 16:34:56 +0200")
+        self.assert_(c)
+        self.assertEqual(str(c), "2009-05-10 14:34:56 +0200", str(c))
+        self.assertNotEqual(c, a)
+        self.assertEqual(c.diff(a), 2 * 60 * 60)
+        self.assertEqual(a.diff(c), -2 * 60 * 60)
+class CVSRev(object):
+    """Encapsulate metadata on a CVS revision."""
+    __slots__ = ('path', 'num', 'date', 'author', 'deleted', 'message')
+    def __init__ (self, path, num):
+        """Create a CVSRev object for the given path:num revision."""
+        self.path = path
+        self.num = num
+        self.date = None  # CVSDate object
+        self.author = ""
+        self.deleted = None  # True or False
+        self.message = []  # Lines of commit message
+    def __str__ (self):
+        """Return a string listing the metadata in this CVS revision."""
+        return ("<%s:%s on %s by %s%s>" %
+                (self.path, self.num, self.date, self.author,
+                 self.deleted and ", deleted" or ""))
+    def __cmp__ (self, other):
+        """Comparison method for CVSRev objects."""
+        return cmp(self.path, other.path) or cmp(self.num, other.num)
+class CVSWorkDir(object):
+    """Encapsulate a CVS working directory.
+    This class auto-creates a CVS workdir/checkout in the directory
+    given to the constructor, and provides various methods for
+    interacting with this workdir.
+    """
+    def __init__ (self, workdir, cvs_repo):
+        """Create a new CVSWorkDir.
+        The cvs_repo argument must be a (cvs_root, cvs_module) tuple
+        """
+        self.d = workdir
+        self.cvs_root, self.cvs_module = cvs_repo
+        parent_dir = os.path.dirname(self.d)
+        if not os.path.isdir(parent_dir):
+            os.makedirs(parent_dir)
+        self._valid = None
+    def makepath(self, *args):
+        """Create path relative to working directory."""
+        return os.path.join(self.d, *args)
+    def valid (self):
+        """Return True iff this workdir is present and valid."""
+        if self._valid is not None:
+            return self._valid
+        try:
+            f = open(self.makepath("CVS", "Root"), 'r')
+            assert f.read().strip() == self.cvs_root
+            f.close()
+            f = open(self.makepath("CVS", "Repository"), 'r')
+            assert f.read().strip() == self.cvs_module
+            f.close()
+            self._valid = True
+        except (IOError, AssertionError):
+            self._valid = False
+        return self._valid
+    def remove (self):
+        """Remove this checkout."""
+        shutil.rmtree(self.d, True)
+        assert not os.path.exists(self.d)
+        self._valid = False
+    def checkout (self, revision = "HEAD"):
+        """Create a checkout of the given revision."""
+        self.remove()
+        parent_dir, co_dir = os.path.split(self.d)
+        args = ["cvs", "-f", "-Q", "-d", self.cvs_root, "checkout"]
+        if str(revision) != "HEAD":
+            args.extend(["-r", str(revision)])
+        args.extend(["-d", co_dir, self.cvs_module])
+        exit_code, output, errors = run_command(args, cwd = parent_dir)
+        if exit_code:
+            die("Failed to checkout CVS working directory")
+        assert not errors
+        assert not output, "output = '%s'" % (output)
+        self._valid = None
+        assert self.valid()
+    def update (self, revision = "HEAD", paths = None):
+        """Update the given paths to the given revision."""
+        if not self.valid():
+            self.checkout()
+        args = ["cvs", "-f", "-Q", "update", "-kk"]
+        if str(revision) == "HEAD":
+            args.append("-A")
+        else:
+            args.extend(["-r", str(revision)])
+        if paths is not None:
+            args.extend(paths)
+        exit_code, output, errors = run_command(args, cwd = self.d)
+        if exit_code:
+            die("Failed to checkout CVS working directory")
+        assert not errors
+        assert not output, "output = '%s'" % (output)
+    def get_revision_data (self, path, revision):
+        """Return the contents of the given CVS path:revision."""
+        if not self.valid():
+            self.checkout()
+        args = ["cvs", "-f", "-Q", "update", "-p", "-kk"]
+        if str(revision) == "HEAD":
+            args.append("-A")
+        else:
+            args.extend(["-r", str(revision)])
+        args.append(path)
+        exit_code, output, errors = run_command(args, cwd = self.d)
+        if exit_code:
+            die("Failed to checkout CVS working directory")
+        assert not errors
+        return output
+    def get_modeinfo (self, paths = None):
+        """Return mode information for the given paths.
+        Returns a dict of path -> mode number mappings.  If paths are
+        not specified, mode information for all files in the current
+        checkout will be returned.  No checkout/update will be done.
+        """
+        result = {}
+        if paths is not None:
+            for path in paths:
+                fullpath = os.path.join(self.d, path)
+                mode = 644
+                if os.access(fullpath, os.X_OK):
+                    mode = 755
+                assert path not in result
+                result[path] = mode
+        else:  # Return mode information for all paths
+            for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.d):
+                # Don't descend into CVS subdirs
+                try:
+                    dirnames.remove('CVS')
+                except ValueError:
+                    pass
+                assert dirpath.startswith(self.d)
+                directory = dirpath[len(self.d):].lstrip("/")
+                for fname in filenames:
+                    path = os.path.join(directory, fname)
+                    fullpath = os.path.join(dirpath, fname)
+                    mode = 644
+                    if os.access(fullpath, os.X_OK):
+                        mode = 755
+                    assert path not in result
+                    result[path] = mode
+        return result
+    @classmethod
+    def parse_entries (cls, entries, prefix, directory = ""):
+        """Recursively parse CVS/Entries files.
+        Return a dict of CVS paths found by parsing the CVS/Entries
+        files rooted at the given directory.
+        See http://ximbiot.com/cvs/manual/feature/cvs_2.html#SEC19 for
+        information on the format of the CVS/Entries file.
+        """
+        fname = os.path.join(prefix, directory, "CVS", "Entries")
+        subdirs = []
+        f = open(fname, 'r')
+        for line in f:
+            line = line.strip()
+            if line == "D":
+                continue  # There are no subdirectories
+            t, path, revnum, date, options, tag = line.split("/")
+            if t == "D":
+                subdirs.append(path)
+                continue
+            assert line.startswith("/")
+            path = os.path.join(directory, path)
+            revnum = CVSNum(revnum)
+            assert path not in entries
+            entries[path] = (revnum, date, options, tag)
+        f.close()
+        for d in subdirs:
+            d = os.path.join(directory, d)
+            cls.parse_entries(entries, prefix, d)
+    def get_state (self):
+        """Return CVSState reflecting current state of this checkout.
+        Note that the resulting CVSState will never contain any
+        deleted/dead files.  Other CVSStates to be compared to the one
+        returned from here should remove deleted/dead entries first.
+        """
+        assert self.valid()
+        entries = {}
+        result = CVSState()
+        self.parse_entries(entries, self.d)
+        for path, info in entries.iteritems():
+            result.add(path, info[0])
+        return result
+class CVSLogParser(object):
+    """Encapsulate the execution of a "cvs rlog" command."""
+    def __init__ (self, cvs_repo):
+        """Create a new CVSLogParser.
+        The cvs_repo argument must be a (cvs_root, cvs_module) tuple
+        """
+        self.cvs_root, self.cvs_module = cvs_repo
+    def cleanup_path (self, cvs_path):
+        """Utility method for parsing CVS paths from CVS log."""
+        cvsprefix = "/".join((self.cvs_root[self.cvs_root.index("/"):],
+                              self.cvs_module))
+        assert cvs_path.startswith(cvsprefix)
+        assert cvs_path.endswith(",v")
+        # Drop cvsprefix and ,v-extension
+        cvs_path = cvs_path[len(cvsprefix):-2]
+        # Split the remaining path into components
+        path_comps = filter(None, cvs_path.strip().split('/'))
+        # Remove 'Attic' from CVS paths
+        if len(path_comps) >= 2 and path_comps[-2] == "Attic":
+            del path_comps[-2]
+        # Reconstruct resulting "cleaned" path
+        return "/".join(path_comps)
+    def __call__ (self, line):
+        """Parse the given line from the CVS log.
+        Must be reimplemented by subclass
+        """
+        pass
+    def finish (self):
+        """This method is invoked after the last line has been parsed.
+        May be reimplemented by subclass
+        """
+        pass
+    def run (self, paths = None, no_symbols = False, revisions = None):
+        """Execute "cvs rlog" with the given arguments.
+        self.__call__() is invoked once for each line in the CVS log.
+        self.finish() is invoked exactly once after the CVS log.
+        """
+        args = ["cvs", "-f", "-q", "-d", self.cvs_root, "rlog"]
+        if no_symbols:
+            args.append("-N")
+        if revisions:
+            args.append("-r%s" % (revisions))
+        if paths is not None:
+            for p in paths:
+                args.append("%s/%s" % (self.cvs_module, p))
+        else:
+            args.append(self.cvs_module)
+        proc = start_command(args)
+        proc.stdin.close()
+        while True:
+            for line in proc.stdout:
+                self(line.rstrip())  # Call self's line parser
+            if proc.poll() is not None:
+                break
+        assert proc.stdout.read() == ""
+        self.finish()  # Notify subclass that parsing is finished
+        exit_code = proc.returncode
+        if exit_code:
+            error("'%s' returned exit code %i, and errors:\n---\n%s---",
+                  " ".join(args), exit_code, proc.stderr.read())
+        return exit_code
+class CVSRevLister(CVSLogParser):
+    """Extract CVSRev objects (with revision metadata) from a CVS log."""
+    def __init__ (self, cvs_repo, show_progress = False):
+        """Create a new CVSRevLister.
+        The cvs_repo argument must be a (cvs_root, cvs_module) tuple
+        show_progress determines whether progress indication is shown.
+        """
+        super(CVSRevLister, self).__init__(cvs_repo)
+        self.cur_file = None  # Current CVS file being processed
+        self.cur_file_numrevs = 0  # #revs in current CVS file
+        self.cur_rev = None  # Current CVSRev under construction
+        self.progress = None
+        if show_progress:
+            self.progress = ProgressIndicator("\t", sys.stderr)
+        # Store found revs in a two-level dict structure:
+        # filename -> revnum -> CVSRev
+        self.revs = {}
+        # Possible states:
+        # - BeforeRevs  - waiting for "total revisions:"
+        # - BetweenRevs - waiting for "----------------------------"
+        # - ReadingRev  - reading CVS revision details
+        self.state = 'BeforeRevs'
+    def __call__ (self, line):
+        """Line parser; this method is invoked for each line in the log."""
+        if self.state == 'BeforeRevs':
+            if line.startswith("RCS file: "):
+                self.cur_file = self.cleanup_path(line[10:])
+                assert self.cur_file not in self.revs
+                self.revs[self.cur_file] = {}
+            elif line.startswith("total revisions: "):
+                assert self.cur_file
+                totalrevs_unused, selectedrevs = line.split(";")
+                self.cur_file_numrevs = int(selectedrevs.split(":")[1].strip())
+                self.state = 'BetweenRevs'
+        elif self.state == 'BetweenRevs':
+            if (line == "----------------------------" or
+                line == "======================================"
+                        "======================================="):
+                if self.cur_rev:
+                    # Finished current revision
+                    f = self.revs[self.cur_file]
+                    assert self.cur_rev.num not in f
+                    f[self.cur_rev.num] = self.cur_rev
+                    self.cur_rev = None
+                    if self.progress:
+                        self.progress()
+                if line == "----------------------------":
+                    self.state = 'ReadingRev'
+                else:
+                    # Finalize current CVS file
+                    assert len(self.revs[self.cur_file]) == \
+                           self.cur_file_numrevs
+                    self.cur_file = None
+                    self.state = 'BeforeRevs'
+            elif self.cur_rev:
+                # Currently in the middle of a revision.
+                if line.startswith("branches:  %s" % (self.cur_rev.num)) and \
+                   line.endswith(";"):
+                    return  # Skip 'branches:' lines
+                # This line is part of the commit message.
+                self.cur_rev.message.append(line)
+        elif self.state == 'ReadingRev':
+            if line.startswith("revision "):
+                self.cur_rev = CVSRev(self.cur_file, CVSNum(line.split()[1]))
+            else:
+                date, author, state, dummy = line.split(";", 3)
+                assert date.startswith("date: ")
+                self.cur_rev.date = CVSDate(date[6:])
+                assert author.strip().startswith("author: ")
+                self.cur_rev.author = author.strip()[8:]
+                assert state.strip().startswith("state: ")
+                state = state.strip()[7:]
+                self.cur_rev.deleted = state == "dead"
+                self.state = 'BetweenRevs'
+    def finish (self):
+        """This method is invoked after the last line has been parsed."""
+        assert self.state == 'BeforeRevs'
+        if self.progress:
+            self.progress.finish("Parsed %i revs in %i files" %
+                                 (self.progress.n, len(self.revs)))
+def fetch_revs (path, from_rev, to_rev, symbol, cvs_repo):
+    """Fetch CVSRevs for each rev in <path:from_rev, path:symbol].
+    Return a dict of CVSRev objects (revnum -> CVSRev), where each
+    CVSRev encapsulates a CVS revision in the range from
+    path:from_rev to path:symbol (inclusive).  If symbol currently
+    refers to from_rev (i.e. nothing has happened since the last
+    import), the returned dict will have exactly one entry (from_rev).
+    If there is no valid revision range between from_rev and symbol,
+    the returned dict will be empty.  Situations in which an empty dict
+    is returned, include:
+    - symbol is no longer defined on this path
+    - symbol refers to a revision that is disjoint from from_rev
+    from_rev may be None, meaning that all revisions from the initial
+    version of path up to the revision currently referenced by symbol
+    should be fetched.
+    If the revision currently referenced by symbol is disjoint from
+    from_rev, the returned dict will be empty.
+    Note that there is lots of unexpected behaviour in the handling of
+    the 'cvs rlog -r' parameter: Say you have a branch, called
+    'my_branch', that points to branch number 1.1.2 of a file.  Say
+    there are 3 revisions on this branch: -> (in
+    additions to the branch point 1.1).  Now, observe the following
+    'cvs rlog' executions:
+    - cvs rlog -r0:my_branch ... returns 1.1,,,
+    - cvs rlog -r1.1:my_branch ... returns the same revs
+    - cvs rlog -rmy_branch ... returns,,
+    - cvs rlog -rmy_branch: ... returns the same revs
+    - cvs rlog -r:my_branch ... returns the same revs
+    - cvs rlog -r::my_branch ... returns the same revs
+    - cvs rlog -r1.1.2.1: ... returns the same revs
+    Here is where it gets really weird:
+    - cvs rlog -r1.1.2.1:my_branch ... returns only
+    - cvs rlog -r1.1.2.2:my_branch ... returns,
+    - cvs rlog -r1.1.2.3:my_branch ... returns,,
+    In other words the 'cvs rlog -rfrom_rev:symbol' scheme that we
+    normally use will not work in the case where from_rev is _on_ the
+    branch pointed at by the symbol.
+    Therefore, we need an extra parameter, to_rev, which we can use to:
+    1. Detect when this situation is present.
+    2. Work around by using 'cvs rlog -rfrom_ref:to_rev' instead.
+    """
+    if from_rev is None:  # Initial import
+        from_rev = "0"  # "cvs rlog -r0:X" fetches from initial revision
+    elif to_rev and to_rev.branch() == from_rev.branch():
+        symbol = to_rev  # Use to_rev instead of given symbol
+    # Run 'cvs rlog' on range [from_rev, symbol] and parse CVSRev objects
+    parser = CVSRevLister(cvs_repo)
+    parser.run((path,), True, "%s:%s" % (from_rev, symbol))
+    assert len(parser.revs) == 1
+    assert path in parser.revs
+    return parser.revs[path]
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/git_remote_cvs/cvs_symbol_cache.py b/git_remote_cvs/cvs_symbol_cache.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc8d88b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git_remote_cvs/cvs_symbol_cache.py
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Implementation of a local CVS symbol cache.
+A CVS symbol cache stores a list of CVS symbols and the CVS state
+associated with each of those CVS symbols at some point in time.
+Keeping a local cache of CVS symbols is often needed because the
+design of CVS makes it potentially very expensive to query the CVS
+server directly for CVS symbols and associated states.
+In these cases, a local CVS symbol cache can provide equivalent
+(although possibly out-of-date) information immediatele.
+Synchronization with the current state on the CVS server can be
+done on a symbol-by-symbol basis (by checking out a given symbol
+and extracting the CVS state from the CVS work tree), or by
+synchronizing _all_ CVS symbols in one operation (by executing
+'cvs rlog' and parsing CVS states from its output).
+import sys
+import os
+from git_remote_cvs.util import debug, error, die, ProgressIndicator
+from git_remote_cvs.cvs import CVSNum, CVSState, CVSLogParser
+class CVSSymbolStateLister(CVSLogParser):
+    """Extract current CVSStates for all CVS symbols from a CVS log."""
+    def __init__ (self, cvs_repo, show_progress = False):
+        """Create a new CVSSymbolStateLister.
+        The cvs_repo argument must be a (cvs_root, cvs_module) tuple
+        show_progress determines whether a progress indicator should
+        be displayed.
+        """
+        super(CVSSymbolStateLister, self).__init__(cvs_repo)
+        self.symbols = {}  # CVS symbol name -> CVSState object
+        self.cur_file = None  # current CVS file being processed
+        self.cur_file_numrevs = 0  # #revs in current CVS file
+        self.cur_revnum = None  # current revision number
+        self.rev2syms = {}  # CVSNum -> [CVS symbol names]
+        self.cur_revs = {}  # CVSNum -> True/False (deleted)
+        self.head_num = None  # CVSNum of the HEAD rev or branch
+        # Possible states:
+        # - BeforeSymbols - waiting for "symbolic names:"
+        # - WithinSymbols - reading CVS symbol names
+        # - BeforeRevs  - waiting for "total revisions:"
+        # - BetweenRevs - waiting for "----------------------------"
+        # - ReadingRev  - reading CVS revision details
+        self.state = 'BeforeSymbols'
+        self.progress = None
+        if show_progress:
+            self.progress = ProgressIndicator("\t", sys.stderr)
+    def finalize_symbol_states (self):
+        """Adjust CVSStates in self.symbols based on revision data.
+        Based on the information found in self.rev2syms and
+        self.cur_revs, remove deleted revisions and turn branch numbers
+        into corresponding revisions in the CVSStates found in
+        self.symbols.
+        """
+        # Create a mapping from branch numbers to the last existing
+        # revision number on those branches
+        branch2lastrev = {}  # branch number -> revision number
+        for revnum in self.cur_revs.iterkeys():
+            branchnum = revnum.branch()
+            if (branchnum not in branch2lastrev) or \
+               (revnum > branch2lastrev[branchnum]):
+                branch2lastrev[branchnum] = revnum
+        for cvsnum, symbols in self.rev2syms.iteritems():
+            if cvsnum.is_branch():
+                # Turn into corresponding revision number
+                revnum = branch2lastrev.get(cvsnum, cvsnum.parent())
+                for s in symbols:
+                    state = self.symbols[s]
+                    assert state[self.cur_file] == cvsnum
+                    state.replace(self.cur_file, revnum)
+                cvsnum = revnum
+            assert cvsnum.is_rev()
+            assert cvsnum in self.cur_revs
+            if self.cur_revs[cvsnum]:  # cvsnum is a deleted rev
+                # Remove from CVSStates
+                for s in symbols:
+                    state = self.symbols[s]
+                    state.remove(self.cur_file, cvsnum)
+        self.rev2syms = {}
+        self.cur_revs = {}
+        self.cur_file = None
+    def __call__ (self, line):
+        """Line parser; this method is invoked for each line in the log."""
+        if self.state == 'BeforeSymbols':
+            if line.startswith("RCS file: "):
+                self.cur_file = self.cleanup_path(line[10:])
+                if self.progress:
+                    self.progress("%5i symbols found - Parsing CVS file #%i: "
+                                  "%s " % (len(self.symbols), self.progress.n,
+                                           self.cur_file,))
+            if line.startswith("head: "):
+                self.head_num = CVSNum(line[6:])
+            if line.startswith("branch: "):
+                self.head_num = CVSNum(line[8:])
+            elif line == "symbolic names:":
+                assert self.head_num
+                s = self.symbols.setdefault("HEAD", CVSState())
+                s.add(self.cur_file, self.head_num)
+                r = self.rev2syms.setdefault(self.head_num, [])
+                r.append("HEAD")
+                self.head_num = None
+                self.state = 'WithinSymbols'
+        elif self.state == 'WithinSymbols':
+            if line.startswith("\t"):
+                symbol, cvsnum = line.split(":", 1)
+                symbol = symbol.strip()
+                cvsnum = CVSNum(cvsnum)
+                s = self.symbols.setdefault(symbol, CVSState())
+                s.add(self.cur_file, cvsnum)
+                r = self.rev2syms.setdefault(cvsnum, [])
+                r.append(symbol)
+            else:
+                self.state = 'BeforeRevs'
+        elif self.state == 'BeforeRevs':
+            if line.startswith("total revisions: "):
+                assert self.cur_file
+                totalrevs_unused, selectedrevs = line.split(";")
+                self.cur_file_numrevs = int(selectedrevs.split(":")[1].strip())
+                self.state = 'BetweenRevs'
+        elif self.state == 'BetweenRevs':
+            if (line == "----------------------------" or
+                line == "======================================"
+                        "======================================="):
+                if self.cur_revnum:
+                    assert self.cur_revnum in self.cur_revs
+                    self.cur_revnum = None
+                if line == "----------------------------":
+                    self.state = 'ReadingRev'
+                else:
+                    # Finalize current CVS file
+                    assert len(self.cur_revs) == self.cur_file_numrevs
+                    self.finalize_symbol_states()
+                    self.state = 'BeforeSymbols'
+        elif self.state == 'ReadingRev':
+            if line.startswith("revision "):
+                self.cur_revnum = CVSNum(line.split()[1])
+            else:
+                date, author, state, dummy = line.split(";", 3)
+                assert date.startswith("date: ")
+                assert author.strip().startswith("author: ")
+                assert state.strip().startswith("state: ")
+                state = state.strip()[7:]
+                assert self.cur_revnum not in self.cur_revs
+                deleted = state == "dead"
+                self.cur_revs[self.cur_revnum] = deleted
+                self.state = 'BetweenRevs'
+    def finish (self):
+        """This method is invoked after the last line has been parsed."""
+        assert self.state == 'BeforeSymbols'
+        if self.progress:
+            self.progress.finish("Parsed %i symbols in %i files" %
+                                 (len(self.symbols), self.progress.n))
+class CVSSymbolCache(object):
+    """Local cache of the current CVSState of CVS symbols.
+    Simulates a dictionary of CVS symbol -> CVSState mappings.
+    """
+    def __init__ (self, symbols_dir):
+        """Create a new CVS symbol cache, located in the given directory."""
+        self.symbols_dir = symbols_dir
+        if not os.path.isdir(self.symbols_dir):
+            os.makedirs(self.symbols_dir)
+    def __len__ (self):
+        """Return the number of CVS symbols stored in this cache."""
+        return len(os.listdir(self.symbols_dir))
+    def __iter__ (self):
+        """Return an iterator traversing symbol names stored in this cache."""
+        for filename in os.listdir(self.symbols_dir):
+            yield filename
+    def __contains__ (self, symbol):
+        """Return True if the given symbol is present in this cache."""
+        return os.access(os.path.join(self.symbols_dir, symbol),
+                         os.F_OK | os.R_OK)
+    def __getitem__ (self, symbol):
+        """Return the cached CVSState of the given CVS symbol."""
+        try:
+            f = open(os.path.join(self.symbols_dir, symbol), 'r')
+        except IOError:
+            raise KeyError("'%s'" % (symbol))
+        ret = CVSState()
+        ret.load(f)
+        f.close()
+        return ret
+    def __setitem__ (self, symbol, cvs_state):
+        """Store the given CVS symbol and CVSState into the cache."""
+        cvs_state.save(os.path.join(self.symbols_dir, symbol))
+    def __delitem__ (self, symbol):
+        """Remove the the given CVS symbol from the cache."""
+        os.remove(os.path.join(self.symbols_dir, symbol))
+    def get (self, symbol, default = None):
+        """Return the cached CVSState of the given CVS symbol."""
+        try:
+            return self[symbol]
+        except KeyError:
+            return default
+    def items (self):
+        """Return list of (CVS symbol, CVSState) tuples saved in this cache."""
+        for filename in self:
+            yield (filename, self[filename])
+    def clear (self):
+        """Remove all entries from this CVS symbol cache."""
+        for filename in os.listdir(self.symbols_dir):
+            os.remove(os.path.join(self.symbols_dir, filename))
+    def sync_symbol (self, symbol, cvs, progress):
+        """Synchronize the given CVS symbol with the CVS server.
+        The given CVS workdir is used for the synchronization.
+        The retrieved CVSState is also returned
+        """
+        progress("Retrieving state of CVS symbol '%s'..." % (symbol))
+        cvs.update(symbol)
+        state = cvs.get_state()
+        progress("Saving state of '%s' to symbol cache..." % (symbol))
+        self[symbol] = state
+    def sync_all_symbols (self, cvs_repo, progress, symbol_filter = None):
+        """Synchronize this entire CVS symbol cache with the CVS server.
+        This may be very expensive if the CVS repository is large, or
+        has many symbols.  After this method returns, the symbol cache
+        will be in sync with the current state on the server.
+        This method returns a dict with the keys 'unchanged',
+        'changed', 'added', and 'deleted', where each map to a list of
+        CVS symbols.  Each CVS symbol appears in exactly one of these
+        lists.
+        If symbol_filter is given, it specifies functions that takes
+        one parameter - a CVS symbol name - and returns True if that
+        symbol should be synchronized, and False if that symbol should
+        be skipped.  Otherwise all CVS symbols are synchronized.
+        """
+        if symbol_filter is None:
+            symbol_filter = lambda symbol: True
+        # Run cvs rlog to fetch current CVSState for all CVS symbols
+        progress("Retrieving current state of all CVS symbols from CVS "
+                 "server...", lf = True)
+        parser = CVSSymbolStateLister(cvs_repo, True)
+        retcode = parser.run()
+        if retcode:
+            raise EnvironmentError(retcode, "cvs rlog exit code %i" % retcode)
+        # Update symbol cache with new states from the CVS server
+        progress("Updating symbol cache with current CVS state...")
+        results = {}
+        result_keys = ("unchanged", "changed", "added", "deleted")
+        for k in result_keys:
+            results[k] = []
+        # Classify existing symbols as unchanged, changed, or deleted
+        for symbol in filter(symbol_filter, self):
+            if symbol not in parser.symbols:  # Deleted
+                results["deleted"].append(symbol)
+                del self[symbol]
+            elif self[symbol] != parser.symbols[symbol]:  # Changed
+                results["changed"].append(symbol)
+                self[symbol] = parser.symbols[symbol]
+            else:  # Unchanged
+                results["unchanged"].append(symbol)
+            progress()
+        # Add symbols that are not in self
+        for symbol, state in parser.symbols.iteritems():
+            if not symbol_filter(symbol):
+                debug("Skipping CVS symbol '%s'...", symbol)
+            elif symbol in self:
+                assert state == self[symbol]
+            else:  # Added
+                results["added"].append(symbol)
+                self[symbol] = state
+            progress()
+        progress("Synchronized local symbol cache (%s)" %
+                 (", ".join(["%i %s" % (len(results[k]), k)
+                             for k in result_keys])), True)
+        return results
diff --git a/git_remote_cvs/util.py b/git_remote_cvs/util.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3ca487
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git_remote_cvs/util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Misc. useful functionality used by the rest of this package.
+This module provides common functionality used by the other modules in
+this package.
+import sys
+import os
+import subprocess
+# Whether or not to show debug messages
+DEBUG = False
+def notify(msg, *args):
+	"""Print a message to stderr."""
+	print >> sys.stderr, msg % args
+def debug (msg, *args):
+    """Print a debug message to stderr when DEBUG is enabled."""
+    if DEBUG:
+        print >> sys.stderr, msg % args
+def error (msg, *args):
+    """Print an error message to stderr."""
+    print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR:", msg % args
+def warn(msg, *args):
+	"""Print a warning message to stderr."""
+	print >> sys.stderr, "warning:", msg % args
+def die (msg, *args):
+    """Print as error message to stderr and exit the program."""
+    error(msg, *args)
+    sys.exit(1)
+class ProgressIndicator(object):
+    """Simple progress indicator.
+    Displayed as a spinning character by default, but can be customized
+    by passing custom messages that overrides the spinning character.
+    """
+    States = ("|", "/", "-", "\\")
+    def __init__ (self, prefix = "", f = sys.stdout):
+        """Create a new ProgressIndicator, bound to the given file object."""
+        self.n = 0  # Simple progress counter
+        self.f = f  # Progress is written to this file object
+        self.prev_len = 0  # Length of previous msg (to be overwritten)
+        self.prefix = prefix  # Prefix prepended to each progress message
+        self.prefix_lens = [] # Stack of prefix string lengths
+    def pushprefix (self, prefix):
+        """Append the given prefix onto the prefix stack."""
+        self.prefix_lens.append(len(self.prefix))
+        self.prefix += prefix
+    def popprefix (self):
+        """Remove the last prefix from the prefix stack."""
+        prev_len = self.prefix_lens.pop()
+        self.prefix = self.prefix[:prev_len]
+    def __call__ (self, msg = None, lf = False):
+        """Indicate progress, possibly with a custom message."""
+        if msg is None:
+            msg = self.States[self.n % len(self.States)]
+        msg = self.prefix + msg
+        print >> self.f, "\r%-*s" % (self.prev_len, msg),
+        self.prev_len = len(msg.expandtabs())
+        if lf:
+            print >> self.f
+            self.prev_len = 0
+        self.n += 1
+    def finish (self, msg = "done", noprefix = False):
+        """Finalize progress indication with the given message."""
+        if noprefix:
+            self.prefix = ""
+        self(msg, True)
+def start_command (args, cwd = None, shell = False, add_env = None,
+                   stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
+                   stderr = subprocess.PIPE):
+    """Start the given command, and return a subprocess object.
+    This provides a simpler interface to the subprocess module.
+    """
+    env = None
+    if add_env is not None:
+        env = os.environ.copy()
+        env.update(add_env)
+    return subprocess.Popen(args, bufsize = 1, stdin = stdin, stdout = stdout,
+                            stderr = stderr, cwd = cwd, shell = shell,
+                            env = env, universal_newlines = True)
+def run_command (args, cwd = None, shell = False, add_env = None,
+                 flag_error = True):
+    """Run the given command to completion, and return its results.
+    This provides a simpler interface to the subprocess module.
+    The results are formatted as a 3-tuple: (exit_code, output, errors)
+    If flag_error is enabled, Error messages will be produced if the
+    subprocess terminated with a non-zero exit code and/or stderr
+    output.
+    The other arguments are passed on to start_command().
+    """
+    process = start_command(args, cwd, shell, add_env)
+    (output, errors) = process.communicate()
+    exit_code = process.returncode
+    if flag_error and errors:
+        error("'%s' returned errors:\n---\n%s---", " ".join(args), errors)
+    if flag_error and exit_code:
+        error("'%s' returned exit code %i", " ".join(args), exit_code)
+    return (exit_code, output, errors)
+def file_reader_method (missing_ok = False):
+    """Decorator for simplifying reading of files.
+    If missing_ok is True, a failure to open a file for reading will
+    not raise the usual IOError, but instead the wrapped method will be
+    called with f == None.  The method must in this case properly
+    handle f == None.
+    """
+    def _wrap (method):
+        """Teach given method to handle both filenames and file objects.
+        The given method must take a file object as its second argument
+        (the first argument being 'self', of course).  This decorator
+        will take a filename given as the second argument and promote
+        it to a file object.
+        """
+        def _wrapped_method (self, filename, *args, **kwargs):
+            if isinstance(filename, file):
+                f = filename
+            else:
+                try:
+                    f = open(filename, 'r')
+                except IOError:
+                    if missing_ok:
+                        f = None
+                    else:
+                        raise
+            try:
+                return method(self, f, *args, **kwargs)
+            finally:
+                if not isinstance(filename, file) and f:
+                    f.close()
+        return _wrapped_method
+    return _wrap
+def file_writer_method (method):
+    """Decorator for simplifying writing of files.
+    Enables the given method to handle both filenames and file objects.
+    The given method must take a file object as its second argument
+    (the first argument being 'self', of course).  This decorator will
+    take a filename given as the second argument and promote it to a
+    file object.
+    """
+    def _new_method (self, filename, *args, **kwargs):
+        if isinstance(filename, file):
+            f = filename
+        else:
+            # Make sure the containing directory exists
+            parent_dir = os.path.dirname(filename)
+            if not os.path.isdir(parent_dir):
+                os.makedirs(parent_dir)
+            f = open(filename, 'w')
+        try:
+            return method(self, f, *args, **kwargs)
+        finally:
+            if not isinstance(filename, file):
+                f.close()
+    return _new_method

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