On 28/10/2009, at 4:20 PM, Avery Pennarun wrote:
On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 11:00 PM, Lachlan Deck
<lachlan.deck@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
:) Sure. Essentially a project that I'm contributing to has both
maven poms
and ant/lib-based configs (with the ant ones as default for
eclipse .project
etc files). I'd like to be able to import the projects with maven
Eclipse to work on things but without committing back changes to
So I'm hoping for a fairly transparent process.
So which are the files you don't want to import from trunk? It
doesn't sound like there are any... so it's getting simpler already.
There are. I've currently (as a workaround) done the following within
the main branch:
add the following to .git/info/exclude
The last two of these has no effect of course because .project
and .classpath files already exist -- and thus are marked as modified.
So I'm currently doing a git stash && git svn rebase && git svn
dcommit && git stash pop
I'm also wanting to exclude 'lib' folders from trunk (as these are not
Also, can you just simply not commit any changes to the other files?
That would be the easiest way to deal with committing back.
That's what I'm doing now I guess - but it means I can't share the
project setups (specific for maven, for example) with anyone.
The other
option (slightly messier) is to change them in a single commit, and
use git rebase to move that commit out of the way when you're about to
push your changes back into svn.
Yeah that'd be a bit of a slippery slope.
with regards,
Lachlan Deck
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