Add libgit.vcproj to build common library. Add git.vcproj to build git program. Signed-off-by: Frank Li <lznuaa@xxxxxxxxx> --- compat/vcbuild/git/git.vcproj | 197 +++++ compat/vcbuild/libgit/libgit.vcproj | 1347 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 1544 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) create mode 100644 compat/vcbuild/git/git.vcproj create mode 100644 compat/vcbuild/libgit/libgit.vcproj diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/git/git.vcproj b/compat/vcbuild/git/git.vcproj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f85de3 --- /dev/null +++ b/compat/vcbuild/git/git.vcproj @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="gb2312"?> +<VisualStudioProject + ProjectType="Visual C++" + Version="9.00" + Name="git" + ProjectGUID="{E3E30E51-C5AD-407B-AB43-985E4111474A}" + RootNamespace="git" + Keyword="Win32Proj" + TargetFrameworkVersion="196613" + > + <Platforms> + <Platform + Name="Win32" + /> + </Platforms> + <ToolFiles> + </ToolFiles> + <Configurations> + <Configuration + Name="Debug|Win32" + OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)\bin" + IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)" + ConfigurationType="1" + CharacterSet="0" + > + <Tool + Name="VCPreBuildEventTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCCustomBuildTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCMIDLTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCCLCompilerTool" + Optimization="0" + AdditionalIncludeDirectories="..\..\..;..\..\..\..\zlib;..\..;..\;..\include;..\..\..\compat;..\..\..\compat\fnmatch;..\..\..\compat\regex;.\" + PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;_DEBUG;_CONSOLE" + MinimalRebuild="true" + BasicRuntimeChecks="3" + RuntimeLibrary="3" + UsePrecompiledHeader="0" + WarningLevel="3" + DebugInformationFormat="4" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCResourceCompilerTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCPreLinkEventTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCLinkerTool" + AdditionalDependencies="wininet.lib ws2_32.lib " + LinkIncremental="2" + GenerateDebugInformation="true" + SubSystem="1" + TargetMachine="1" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCALinkTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCManifestTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCXDCMakeTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCBscMakeTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCFxCopTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCAppVerifierTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCPostBuildEventTool" + /> + </Configuration> + <Configuration + Name="Release|Win32" + OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)\bin" + IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)" + ConfigurationType="1" + CharacterSet="0" + WholeProgramOptimization="1" + > + <Tool + Name="VCPreBuildEventTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCCustomBuildTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCMIDLTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCCLCompilerTool" + Optimization="2" + EnableIntrinsicFunctions="true" + AdditionalIncludeDirectories="..\..\..;..\..\..\..\zlib;..\..;..\;..\include;..\..\..\compat;..\..\..\compat\fnmatch;..\..\..\compat\regex;.\" + PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;NDEBUG;_CONSOLE" + RuntimeLibrary="2" + EnableFunctionLevelLinking="true" + UsePrecompiledHeader="0" + WarningLevel="3" + DebugInformationFormat="3" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCResourceCompilerTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCPreLinkEventTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCLinkerTool" + AdditionalDependencies="wininet.lib ws2_32.lib " + LinkIncremental="1" + GenerateDebugInformation="true" + SubSystem="1" + OptimizeReferences="2" + EnableCOMDATFolding="2" + TargetMachine="1" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCALinkTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCManifestTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCXDCMakeTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCBscMakeTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCFxCopTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCAppVerifierTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCPostBuildEventTool" + /> + </Configuration> + </Configurations> + <References> + </References> + <Files> + <Filter + Name="Source Files" + Filter="cpp;c;cc;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx" + UniqueIdentifier="{4FC737F1-C7A5-4376-A066-2A32D752A2FF}" + > + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\git.c" + > + </File> + </Filter> + <Filter + Name="Header Files" + Filter="h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl;inc;xsd" + UniqueIdentifier="{93995380-89BD-4b04-88EB-625FBE52EBFB}" + > + </Filter> + <Filter + Name="Resource Files" + Filter="rc;ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe;resx;tiff;tif;png;wav" + UniqueIdentifier="{67DA6AB6-F800-4c08-8B7A-83BB121AAD01}" + > + </Filter> + </Files> + <Globals> + </Globals> +</VisualStudioProject> diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/libgit/libgit.vcproj b/compat/vcbuild/libgit/libgit.vcproj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bbc3aed --- /dev/null +++ b/compat/vcbuild/libgit/libgit.vcproj @@ -0,0 +1,1347 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="gb2312"?> +<VisualStudioProject + ProjectType="Visual C++" + Version="9.00" + Name="libgit" + ProjectGUID="{F6DEC8C3-B803-4A86-8848-430F08B499E3}" + RootNamespace="libgit" + Keyword="Win32Proj" + TargetFrameworkVersion="196613" + > + <Platforms> + <Platform + Name="Win32" + /> + </Platforms> + <ToolFiles> + </ToolFiles> + <Configurations> + <Configuration + Name="Debug|Win32" + OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)" + IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)" + ConfigurationType="4" + CharacterSet="0" + > + <Tool + Name="VCPreBuildEventTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCCustomBuildTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCMIDLTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCCLCompilerTool" + Optimization="0" + InlineFunctionExpansion="1" + AdditionalIncludeDirectories="..\..\..;..\..\..\..\zlib;..\..;..\;..\include;..\..\..\compat;..\..\..\compat\fnmatch;..\..\..\compat\regex;.\" + PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;_DEBUG;_LIB" + MinimalRebuild="true" + BasicRuntimeChecks="3" + RuntimeLibrary="3" + UsePrecompiledHeader="0" + WarningLevel="3" + DebugInformationFormat="3" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCResourceCompilerTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCPreLinkEventTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCLibrarianTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCALinkTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCXDCMakeTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCBscMakeTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCFxCopTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCPostBuildEventTool" + /> + </Configuration> + <Configuration + Name="Release|Win32" + OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)" + IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)" + ConfigurationType="4" + CharacterSet="0" + WholeProgramOptimization="1" + > + <Tool + Name="VCPreBuildEventTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCCustomBuildTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCMIDLTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCCLCompilerTool" + Optimization="2" + InlineFunctionExpansion="1" + EnableIntrinsicFunctions="true" + AdditionalIncludeDirectories="..\..\..;..\..\..\..\zlib;..\..;..\;..\include;..\..\..\compat;..\..\..\compat\fnmatch;..\..\..\compat\regex;.\" + PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;NDEBUG;_LIB" + RuntimeLibrary="2" + EnableFunctionLevelLinking="true" + UsePrecompiledHeader="0" + WarningLevel="3" + DebugInformationFormat="3" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCResourceCompilerTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCPreLinkEventTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCLibrarianTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCALinkTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCXDCMakeTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCBscMakeTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCFxCopTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCPostBuildEventTool" + /> + </Configuration> + </Configurations> + <References> + </References> + <Files> + <Filter + Name="Source Files" + Filter="cpp;c;cc;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx" + UniqueIdentifier="{4FC737F1-C7A5-4376-A066-2A32D752A2FF}" + > + <File + RelativePath="..\..\msvc.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\mozilla-sha1\sha1.c" + > + </File> + </Filter> + <Filter + Name="Header Files" + Filter="h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl;inc;xsd" + UniqueIdentifier="{93995380-89BD-4b04-88EB-625FBE52EBFB}" + > + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\archive.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\attr.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\blob.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\branch.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\bundle.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\cache-tree.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\cache.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\color.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\commit.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\csum-file.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\decorate.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\delta.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\diff.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\diffcore.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\dir.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\exec_cmd.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\fetch-pack.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\fsck.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\git-compat-util.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\graph.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\grep.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\hash.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\help.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\http.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\levenshtein.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\list-objects.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\ll-merge.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\log-tree.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\mailmap.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\merge-recursive.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\notes.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\object.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\pack-refs.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\pack-revindex.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\pack.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\parse-options.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\patch-ids.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\pkt-line.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\progress.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\quote.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\reachable.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\reflog-walk.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\refs.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\remote.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\rerere.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\revision.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\run-command.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\send-pack.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\sha1-lookup.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\shortlog.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\sideband.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\sigchain.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\strbuf.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\string-list.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\tag.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\tar.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\thread-utils.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\transport.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\tree-walk.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\tree.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\unpack-trees.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\userdiff.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\utf8.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\walker.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\wt-status.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\xdiff-interface.h" + > + </File> + </Filter> + <Filter + Name="Resource Files" + Filter="rc;ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe;resx;tiff;tif;png;wav" + UniqueIdentifier="{67DA6AB6-F800-4c08-8B7A-83BB121AAD01}" + > + </Filter> + <Filter + Name="compat" + > + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\compat\basename.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\compat\cygwin.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\compat\fnmatch\fnmatch.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\compat\fnmatch\fnmatch.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\compat\fopen.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\compat\memmem.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\compat\mingw.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\compat\mingw.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\compat\mkdtemp.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\compat\mkstemps.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\compat\pread.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\compat\qsort.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\compat\regex\regex.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\compat\regex\regex.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\compat\setenv.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\compat\snprintf.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\compat\strcasestr.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\compat\strlcpy.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\compat\strtoumax.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\compat\unsetenv.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\compat\win32.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\compat\win32mmap.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\compat\winansi.c" + > + </File> + </Filter> + <Filter + Name="git" + > + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\abspath.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\alias.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\alloc.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\archive-tar.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\archive-zip.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\archive.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\attr.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\base85.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\bisect.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\blob.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\branch.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-add.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-annotate.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-apply.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-archive.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-bisect--helper.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-blame.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-branch.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-bundle.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-cat-file.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-check-attr.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-check-ref-format.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-checkout-index.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-checkout.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-clean.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-clone.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-commit-tree.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-commit.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-config.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-count-objects.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-describe.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-diff-files.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-diff-index.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-diff-tree.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-diff.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-fast-export.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-fetch--tool.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-fetch-pack.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-fetch.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-fmt-merge-msg.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-for-each-ref.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-fsck.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-gc.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-grep.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-help.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-init-db.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-log.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-ls-files.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-ls-remote.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-ls-tree.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-mailinfo.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-mailsplit.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-merge-base.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-merge-file.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-merge-ours.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-merge-recursive.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-merge.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-mktree.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-mv.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-name-rev.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-pack-objects.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-pack-refs.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-prune-packed.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-prune.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-push.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-read-tree.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-receive-pack.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-reflog.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-remote.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-rerere.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-reset.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-rev-list.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-rev-parse.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-revert.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-rm.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-send-pack.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-shortlog.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-show-branch.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-show-ref.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-stripspace.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-symbolic-ref.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-tag.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-tar-tree.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-unpack-objects.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-update-index.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-update-ref.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-upload-archive.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-verify-pack.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-verify-tag.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\builtin-write-tree.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\bundle.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\cache-tree.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\color.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\combine-diff.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\commit.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\config.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\connect.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\convert.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\copy.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\csum-file.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\ctype.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\date.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\decorate.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\diff-delta.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\diff-lib.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\diff-no-index.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\diff.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\diffcore-break.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\diffcore-delta.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\diffcore-order.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\diffcore-pickaxe.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\diffcore-rename.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\dir.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\editor.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\entry.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\environment.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\exec_cmd.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\fsck.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\graph.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\grep.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\hash.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\help.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\ident.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\levenshtein.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\list-objects.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\ll-merge.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\lockfile.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\log-tree.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\mailmap.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\match-trees.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\merge-file.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\merge-recursive.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\merge-tree.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\name-hash.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\object.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\pack-check.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\pack-refs.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\pack-revindex.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\pack-write.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\pager.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\parse-options.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\patch-delta.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\patch-ids.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\path.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\pkt-line.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\preload-index.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\pretty.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\progress.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\quote.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\reachable.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\read-cache.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\reflog-walk.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\refs.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\remote.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\rerere.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\revision.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\..\run-command.c" + > + </File> + 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