Hi all, I can't find the "quick diff" feature listed on the Eclipse git website. I'm using version 0.5 (should be the latest). The history graph and diffs for changes /_already committed_/ are very nice. I seem to be able to execute a "diff from index" on a per-file basis; I'd like to see changes made to all files (what's going to be committed), and possibly diff with HEAD instead of the index. I'm happy with the command line, but I need to convince some coworkers to switch from CVS and they're used to the (pretty nice) synchronize view in Eclipse. regards, Nicholas https://ntung.com
begin:vcard fn:Nicholas Tung n:Tung;Nicholas adr:;;;Berkeley;CA;94709;United States email;internet:gatoatigrado@xxxxxxxxx x-mozilla-html:TRUE url:https://ntung.com version:2.1 end:vcard
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