Re: [RFC] Git User's Survey 2009 - trial run

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On Friday 26 June 2009, Jakub Narebski wrote:
> On Fri, 26 June 2009, Johan Herland wrote:
> > On Thursday 25 June 2009, Jakub Narebski wrote:
> > > Current version of survey has 30 questions, as compared to
> > > 60 questions last year; the number of free-form essay questions
> > > were also greatly reduced.
> >
> > Good. :)
> Too large number of questions in the survey, and filling survey
> taking too long were, I think, the most common complaints about
> survey in the year before.

Yes, that's why I focused on decreasing the number of questions even

> A number of free-form essay questions from previous survey are still
> not analyzed (even now).

Which is why we should as few free-form questions as possible.

> > > The *test* version of this year survey can be now found at
> > > the following URL (as in previous year, we use
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Please tell me what you think about questions and about selection
> > > of possible answers in single choice/multiple choice questions.
> >
> > There seems to be some unnecessary overlap among questions 11,
> > 16/17 and 18.
> Just a reminder; those questions are:
> 11. What Git interfaces, implementations, frontends and tools do you
> use?
> 16. How often do you use the following forms of git commands
>     or extra git tools?
> 17. How often do you use the following forms of git commands
>     or extra git tools? (continued)
> 18. Which of the following features do or did you use?
> Overlap between questions 16/17 and 18 is, to some extent, intended.
> Those two questions ask about similar area but from the two different
> points of view: question 16/17 is about git commands, 18 about
> features.

I see, but in the cases where the feature questions in 18 are tied to
a specific git command already mentioned in 16/17, I believe you can
drop it from 18 (since we already got our answer in 16/17).

> In first two drafts there were no question 16/17; it was brought back
> at the request on #git channel.  I am a bit ambivalent about this
> question; on one hand side it allows responders to get to know some
> git commands or form of git commands they didn't know about, on the
> other hand side it is one of most work-intensive and time-consuming
> questions.  It brings interesting information, but the same could
> have been (perhaps better) gathered from a filtered list of commands
> in history, or from list of commands generated by special 'statistic
> gathering' compiled version of git.
> It there are votes for removing questions 16/17 I can remove it from
> survey (again).

No, I don't want to remove 16/17. I'd rather remove 18, since it
overlaps so much with several of the earlier questions.

> > Examples: I found myself ticking off equivalent options like:
> > - 11/gitk, 17/gitk and 18/"gitk or other history viewer"
> > - 17/"git gui" and 18/"git-gui or other commit tool"
> This can be easily corrected by removing extra tools which are
> mentioned in question 11. about tools used from possible answers
> to question 18. about features used.  I am not so sure about removing
> 'gitk' and 'git gui' from 16/17.

makes sense.

> OTOH some tools can be uses both as history viewer, and as commit
> tool. This answer allow to distinguish between those two distinct
> usages.
> > - 14/"via git-bundle", 15/"git bundle", 16/"git bundle" and 18/"git
> > bundle"
> 14. How do you fetch/get changes from upstream repository?
> 15. How do you publish/propagate your changes?
> These are about different directions, and I think different ways of
> using git-bundle.  For fetching (or rather cloning) via bundle I
> would think that project would publish ready for download bundles to
> reduce traffic and load on server (HTTP download can be resumed,
> git-clone currently cannot; you can distribute bundle using P2P,
> GitTorrent and git mirror-sync are not implemented (yet)).  For
> publishing via bundle I would think about sending bundle via email,
> or posting it on review board (BTW IIRC Gerrit uses git-bundle).

yes, I don't want to remove or collapse 14 or 15. But in the cases
where they overlap with later questions (16/17 and 18), you can
remove those alternatives from the later questions.

> About 16/17 (git commands) and 18 (features): I guess I can remove
> git-bundle from the list of features we ask about.


> About 14, 15 (get / publish) and 16/17 (git commands): the command
> list is meant to be comprehensive list of porcelain and porcelanish
> git commands, so I don't think it would be good to remove bundle from
> 16/17.  OTOH git-bundle can be used neither for fetching nor for
> publishing, but for example only for review, or for syncing between
> _own_ repositories.

I believe the "comprehensive list of porcelain and porcelainish git
commands" can be distributed over several questions, including 14 and 15.

> > - 11/StGIT/Guilt/TopGit and 18/"patch management interface"
> I could remove "patch management interface" / "topic branch
> management interface" from 18 (features), as they are in 11 (tools),
> but I am less sure about this than about removing "history viewers"
> and "commit tools".
> > - 17/"git reflog" and 18/reflog
> I think I'll remove 'reflog' from 18 (features), not because it is
> present in 16/17 (git commands), but because this is feature one
> uses, I think, quite often and less 'conscious'.


> OTOH one can use reflog feature without using "git reflog" or
> "git log -g" ("git log --walk-reflogs") -- HEAD@{1} or @{yesterday}
> uses reflog feature without using mentioned git commands :-)

But _why_ are we asking this question? If the reflog feature is used
all the time without people having to know about it, then there's no
point in asking about it. It's not like it's going to be removed in
the next version because people dislike it. It's like asking "Are you
using Git blob objects?". What are you going to do with the answer?

> > - 17/"git stash" and 18/stash
> True. Nevertheless I'd rather leave this duplication (well, unless
> question 16/17 (git commands) would be voted to be removed).

Again, I don't want to remove 16/17, I'd rather remove 18.

> > - 16/"git difftool" and 18/"mergetool and/or difftool"
> > - 16/"git mergetool" and 18/"mergetool and/or difftool"
> Well, it is even more clear that the issue of gitk etc. in 16/17 and
> 18; I think I can safely remove "mergetool and/or difftool" from 18
> (features).  IIRC it was here because initially there were no 16/17
> (git commands) question.

I understand.

> > - 17/"git rebase -i" and 18/"interactive rebase"
> Hmmm... I would think about this.

Ask yourself: Would anyone answer YES to one of these items, but NO
to the other (modulo typos/thinkos)? If not, you do not gain any
extra information by asking the extra question, so you can safely
drop one of them.

> > - 16/"git add -i" and 18/"interactive commit/..."
> Actually here "interactive commit/..." in 18 (features) covers more
> than just "git add -i", as it is also about per-chunk committing
> feature of git-gui and other commit tools.

Ok, but in that case do we really need to ask if they use "git add -i"?
Isn't the main point whether or not people use the concept/feature,
and not exactly which tool they use to do it?

> > - 16/"git filter-branch", 18/"git-filter-branch or
> > cg-admin-rewritehist" and 18/"git-filter-branch or equivalent"
> Ooops.  Certainly "git-filter-branch or cg-admin-rewritehist" and
> "git-filter-branch or equivalent" answers should be concatenated.
> My mistake.
> About having it both in 16/17 (git commands) and 18 (features): I
> wonder if "git filter-branch" in 16/17 should be split into
> filterless version (make grafts into history, add 'encoding' header)
> and version with some filter specified...

I don't think it is necessary to split it.

> > - 11/"editor/IDE VC integration" and 18/"integration with
> > IDE/editor"
> O.K. I think I can safely remove this from 18 (features), as it is
> present in 11 (tools).
> > Some of this overlap is probably unavoidable, but I think some of
> > it (especially between 16/17 and 18) can be eliminated without
> > compromising the survey. Maybe we can integrate the non-overlapping
> > parts of 18 into the other questions, thereby further decreasing
> > the number of questions?
> Questions 16/17 (git commands) and 18 (features) are about the same
> area, but orthogonal (different) approach.  I was not sure (and still
> I am not) whether to include 16/17 (git commands) question in the
> survey.

As I said above, I'd rather drop 18 (by which I really mean baking the
non-overlapping parts of 18 into the other questions).

> > BTW, 17 is just a continuation of 16, AFAICS. Is it possible to
> > just repeat the column headers (to break up the table length) and
> > still keep it as one question?
> This is _technical_ limitation of on number of answers in
> a single question (I think it is 50 answers maximum, or something).


> > > How long does it take to fill survey?
> >
> > ~ 5-7 minutes
> Thanks for this information.

BTW, Here are my suggested changes to the survey (in an ad-hoc
quasi-diff format that hopefully better overview than the above
discussion). As you can see, I have removed question 18, and added
its non-overlapping items to the other questions (mostly 17). For
each item in 18, I've noted [in square brackets] why it is removed
or where it has moved:

(1 - 10: No changes)

11. What Git interfaces, implementations, frontends and tools do you use? 
+ * my own scripts

(12 - 15: No changes)

- 16. How often do you use the following forms of git commands or extra git tools?
+ 16. How often do you use the following forms of git commands, features or extra git tools?
                                     never   rarely   sometimes   often
- * git add -i / -p                    [ ]      [ ]      [ ]      [ ]
+ * interactive commit / per-hunk comitting / partial commit (git add -i / -p)   [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

- * git filter-branch                  [ ]      [ ]      [ ]      [ ]
+ * git filter-branch (or equivalent)  [ ]      [ ]      [ ]      [ ]

- 17. How often do you use the following forms of git commands or extra git tools? (continued)
+ 17. How often do you use the following forms of git commands, features or extra git tools? (continued)
                                     never   rarely   sometimes   often
- * git rebase -i                      [ ]      [ ]      [ ]      [ ]
+ * git rebase -i (interactive rebase) [ ]      [ ]      [ ]      [ ]
- * git gui                            [ ]      [ ]      [ ]      [ ]
- * gitk                               [ ]      [ ]      [ ]      [ ]
+ * End-of-line conversion (CRLF)      [ ]      [ ]      [ ]      [ ]
+ * gitattributes                      [ ]      [ ]      [ ]      [ ]
+ * submodules (subprojects)           [ ]      [ ]      [ ]      [ ]
+ * subtree merge                      [ ]      [ ]      [ ]      [ ]
+ * git-subtree                        [ ]      [ ]      [ ]      [ ]
+ * separate worktree / core.worktree  [ ]      [ ]      [ ]      [ ]
+ * multiple worktrees (git-new-worktree)  [ ]  [ ]      [ ]      [ ]
+ * alternates mechanism (sharing object database)  [ ] [ ] [ ]   [ ]
+ * shallow clone                      [ ]      [ ]      [ ]      [ ]
+ * detaching HEAD                     [ ]      [ ]      [ ]      [ ]
+ * commit message templates           [ ]      [ ]      [ ]      [ ]
+ * non-default hooks                  [ ]      [ ]      [ ]      [ ]
+ * shell completion of commands       [ ]      [ ]      [ ]      [ ]
+ * git-aware shell prompt             [ ]      [ ]      [ ]      [ ]

- 18. Which of the following features do or did you use? 
- * git-gui or other commit tool [covered by 11/git-gui or 11/Other]
- * gitk or other history viewer [covered by 11/gitk or 11/Other]
- * patch management interface (e.g. StGIT, Guilt, TopGit) [covered by 11]
- * git bundle (off-line transport) [covered by 16]
- * eol conversion (crlf) [added to 17]
- * gitattributes [added to 17]
- * submodules (subprojects) [added to 17]
- * subtree merge (optionally git-subtree) [added to 17]
- * separate worktree / core.worktree [added to 17]
- * multiple worktrees (git-new-worktree) [added to 17]
- * alternates mechanism (sharing object database) [added to 17]
- * reflog (includes "git log -g" and branch@{n}) [covered by 17]
- * stash (optionally "git stash --keep-index") [covered by 17]
- * shallow clone [added to 17]
- * detaching HEAD [added to 17]
- * mergetool and/or difftool [covered by 16]
- * interactive rebase [covered by 17]
- * interactive commit / per-hunk comitting / partial commit [covered by / added to 16]
- * commit message templates [added to 17]
- * git-filter-branch or cg-admin-rewritehist [remove, duplicate below]
- * bisect (optionally "git bisect run <script>") [covered by 16]
- * working with dirty tree [rephrase or drop? why would anyone answer NO?]
- * git-filter-branch or equivalent [covered by / added to 16]
- * integration with IDE/editor [covered by 11]
- * non-default hooks [added to 17]
- * shell completion of commands [added to 17]
- * git-aware shell prompt [added to 17]
- * my own scripts [this is not a git "feature", added to 11, instead]
- * Other, please specify

(19 - 30: No changes)

Have fun! :)


Johan Herland, <johan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
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