On Jun 1, 2009, at 4:50 PM, Neal Kreitzinger wrote:
Git has the option '--no-pager' to overcome incompatibility issues.
Since I
do not know if the pager is having problems with any commands
besides 'git
log', I will focus on 'git log' only. The command 'git --no-pager
log' can
be executed in lieu of 'git log' to display the log correctly. A
git alias
can be setup to create a shorter command to accomplish this. I've
the command 'git logr' as a system alias on the git testbox so you
can use
that command instead of 'git log'. A system alias applies to all
logins and
repos on the system.
You could also use the core.pager and/or pager.<cmd> configuration
variables. Setting either to "false" or "no" (or "off" in git >=
1.6.3-rc1) will stop git from using the pager without needing an
alias. See git-config(1) (or Documentation/config.txt) for details.
~~ Brian
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