OK, I replaced the eclipse file (yoda) with the latest from the head.
Then I changed it in my git project, committed it, and pushed it to the
shared repo. Finally, I did a "compare with latest from head" and it
proceeded to update the file and then said that there were no changes.
Here's the log:
Valid-responses ok error M E Checked-in Valid-requests Template
Set-sticky MT Clear-static-directory Module-expansion
Set-static-directory Clear-sticky New-entry Merged Removed Updated
Remove-entry Update-existing Copy-file Created Notified Mod-time
Valid-requests remove add status Entry watchers ci tag log co Modified
Questionable admin Root history valid-requests Global_option Argumentx
annotate Valid-responses Unchanged Directory rlog Argument
expand-modules diff editors update
Root /tmp/public.git
CMD> cvs -n update -d "/yoda/yoda"
Global_option -n
Argument -d
Directory .
Entry /yoda/1.9///
Modified yoda
Argument yoda
Directory .
M C yoda
Update-existing ./
RESULT> Status OK: org.eclipse.team.cvs.core code=0 ok null
Valid-responses ok error M E Checked-in Valid-requests Template
Set-sticky MT Clear-static-directory Module-expansion
Set-static-directory Clear-sticky New-entry Merged Removed Updated
Remove-entry Update-existing Copy-file Created Notified Mod-time
Valid-requests remove add status Entry watchers ci tag log co Modified
Questionable admin Root history valid-requests Global_option Argumentx
annotate Valid-responses Unchanged Directory rlog Argument
expand-modules diff editors update
Root /tmp/public.git
CMD> cvs status "yoda"
Directory .
Entry /yoda/0///
Modified yoda
Argument yoda
Directory .
M ===================================================================
M File: yoda Status: Needs Checkout
M Working revision: 0
M Repository revision: 1.10 /tmp/public.git/yoda/yoda,v
M Sticky Tag: (none)
M Sticky Date: (none)
M Sticky Options: (none)
RESULT> Status OK: org.eclipse.team.cvs.core code=0 ok null
Martin Langhoff wrote:
On 5/1/06, Bill Burdick <bill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
OK, I changed the way I was testing this to match your usage plan and I
still got the same results. It works just fine for vanilla CVS; cvs
status shows the re revision in the repo and cvs update brings it in.
That's a good start!
Eclipse has the same funky behavior: Compare with latest at the project
level shows no differences, but compare with latest on the changed file
actually does an update instead of popping up the Eclipse diff viewer.
Hmmm. Eclipse does some weird funky sh*t sometimes. Can you ask it to
get you a log? There's an option in Eclipse CVS control settings that
will enable logging of cvs commands to the console. Enable it, and
then start Eclipse from the commandline, piping stderr and stdout to a
There are also some weird differences depending on how you ask for the
update or diff. I hate doing this but I'll have to ask you to tell me
exactly how you ask for the diff and for the update.
And the platform you are running Eclipse on.
By the way, I had trouble at first accessing the repo with SSH because
of permissions on the sqlite db. I'm not totally sure about the
implications for multiple users, but maybe just using a common group
will work fine?
Yes, a common group is the thing to do.
$ chgrp gitusers *sqlite
$ chmod g+w *sqlite
I'm really happy with git and git-cvsserver! I'm hoping to be able to
standardize on it for our Eclipse work. It seems like it should be
Great to hear that!
fn:Bill Burdick
org:Mobile Reasoning
title:Chief Scientist