Hello, Everyone
I am attempting to build Gimp from GIT and I get the following error:
"Error: GIMP configuration failed.
- Error: missing dependency glib-networking
*** Test for glib-networking failed. This is required.
- Error: missing dependency pangocairo >= 1.42.0 and pangoft2
*** We require Pango with the optional support for Cairo compiled
I am only asking about the glib-networking error right now.
INSTALL.in says the following:
19. Summary of required packages and what version you need:
So, INSTALL.in does not appear to specify which version of
glib-networking that I need.
I do have the following installed:
Any ideas why Gimp doesn't like the version of glib-networking that I
have installed.
I believe that did my due dilegence better this time than the last time
I had an issue like this. If I missed something obvious again, I do
Steven P. Ulrick
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