Note: This competition has an impact on bitmap and vector graphic
programs because with a CRMT-image interpreter
and corresponding CRMT-command lists all sorts of patterns and tiles can
be generated from input images.
Exploring a Design Space for Patterns and Tilings
a periodical programming competition involving Image Processing, Machine
Learning, Mathematics and Visual Arts
(student contributions are welcome)
The goal of this periodical programming competition (with some price
money) is the exploration of a special design space of patterning &
tiling methods and to make selected points of this space (methods that
generate interesting and aesthetic results) available for image editing
so that contemporary and future artists, illustrators, comic artists,
designers, ... can use them under an open source license (CC0 and the like).
The design space relevant for image editing is based on the idea that
patterns and tiles can be generated by basic shapes (prototiles)
together with a CRMT command list approach that repeatedly clone, rotate
and mirror a prototile and translate it over a finite pattern plane.
With this unified approach the centuries of mathematical and artistic
knowledge about patters, tilings and ornaments will be usable in image
editing for bitmap and vector images. By programming CRMT-image
interpreter as standalone programs or Plug-ins in bitmap graphic
programs (GIMP, Photoshop, ...) and vector graphic programs
(Illustrator, Inkscape) very powerful artistic tools can be made that
will be using a growing number of CRMT command lists to generate all
sorts of patterns from input images.
The goal of the first competition is to reproduce known tilings from the
Tiling Database ( This should be done by a
learning process because such processes should be the basis for
exploration the design space and its extensions in further iterations of
the competition. Technically the learning of a CRMT command list for a
tiling is viewed as a 2D packing problem with the 2-objective function
"gap -> 0 & overlap -> 0".
The competition is originated in the field of Evolutionary Art therefore
the learning process should be preferably done with Evolutionary
Computation (EC) methods like Genetic Programming but it is not
restricted to this if the learning environment with all aspects and
parameters are published under an open source license so that others can
use it for further exploration.
A detailed description of this programming competition with more
technical details, winning conditions, price money, and future
directions can be found under:
Registration starts on 01.05.2015 and ends on 15.11.2016. Contributions
can be made until 15.01.2016.
Comments and suggestions to all aspects of the competition project are
appreciated and should be addressed to Dr. Günter Bachelier (guba at
Please redistribute this Call for Participation in appropriate mailing
lists, blogs, tweets, ... to address and attract as much as possible
developer, scientists and students in Evolutionary Computation, Machine
Learning, Image Processing and Editing, Mathematics, Media Art, ...
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