Re: GIMP System Requirements

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On 10/23/2013 04:16 AM, thewall01210@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

My name is Robert Drury, and I am a software developer.

I need to use your software for a project I am currently working on and my laptop has a very moderately powered processor.  I have searched your site thoroughly and can find the system requirements for your program nowhere.  It is very inconvenient to me and all developers like myself.  I kindly request that you please post these on your website as these statistics are very important to many people and would further advance the ease of use of your product.

The system requirements depend a lot on the kind of images your process 
and how fast you want this to happen. Roughly any machine big enough to 
run WinXP can run Gimp... I'm  software developer myself and a PC big 
enough to efficiently run what I need for this (IDEs, compilers...) is 
more than enough for Gimp.
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