Andrew, Thanks for your reply and feedback. The answer to your first question is yes, I would like to to be able to post a tutorial or tutorials on the site or somewhere like it. I understand that the gimp-doc group might not want to post every tutorial the general public might submit, there might be a lot of repetition and the quality might not be sufficient. On the other hand, I think there are many areas where expanding the range of topics covered with tutorials or other forms of documentation could benefit Gimp. I would be happy to write a couple of tutorials or if someone wanted to co-author the tutorials that would be fine as well. Sometimes when two people are working on documentation one person can spot what is not clear in the other person's explanation. Going back and forth can make a better end product. The dilemma is there is no point in writing a tutorial if you don't have a venue to publish it. I do not have access to a website where I can post tutorials, and if I did I would imagine it would be so obscure no one would see it. I suspect there are other Gimp users who would be willing to share ideas but don't have a venue to publish them. About your comments on the text, the way you specify the image type is more of a means of control rather than an issue. The attached jpegs are small shots of the menu from my automation scripts with and without an image open. The scripts that are intended to run on a directory of images are on all of the time, the scripts that are intended to run on a single file / image are grayed out (image type "*") unless an image is opened. The four items I identified in the tutorial were things that I had to do more research on and work harder at when I wrote the scripts to automate my flow. I thought they might be good things to point out in a more advanced tutorial. The script is pretty handy, saves time, and when you get past the less commonly understood aspects it is pretty straightforward. It seemed that if the four little "tricks" were widely understood, something like this script should have been written 10 years ago (maybe it was I I just could not find it). Anyway, thanks for the feedback. Sincerely, Stephen Kiel On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 2:59 PM, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak < andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > Hello Stephen, > > Disclaimer: I have no particular ability myself to integrate these.. > > Having read these, I see that you have much that is useful to say. In > other words, I found automated-jpg-to-xcf.odt to be informative. > > That said, are you saying that you would like to create content that is > published here: > > > > It looks like you chose the correct lists (doc, web, and developer) to > obtain appropriate feed back. > > I recommend (and other feedback may negate what I say) that you identify > what you would like to have as topics in the tutorial; for example: > > "How to write a script that is available when an image is not open" > > I was not aware that this was an issue until I read your document. > > I expect that this tutorial would be "Change all JPG files in a directory > to XCF". > > > > On 06/20/2013 02:29 PM, Stephen Kiel wrote: > > Gimp Doc Guys, > > One of the listed methods to contribute to the Gimp project, listed on > the website, is to write a tutorial. I tried sending in a tutorial for > basic scripting (it was probably too long) about a year and a half ago. I > did not hear back, but since the scripting tutorial did make some > improvements I hope that it did have some positive contribution. > > I did have another area where I thought that a few tutorials might be of > interest and helpful to others, and that is in the area of Automation. > This is an area that is nearer to my interests anyway (closer to my career > interests). I think Gimp is unique in its capability as a platform for > automating the image editing process. I am talking about Automating the > process of custom edits not just using an "I feel lucky" button on a photo > manager. > > I think there is room in the area of automation for a couple of > tutorials, I wrote up an example for one (importing a directory of images / > jpg -> xcf). I think other tutorials could cover reading & writing > parasites, parasites as flow control variables, how to build & execute a > recipe / process / flow. I touched on these possibilities in the included > file "Introduction". > > Anyway, here is my dilemma. I would be happy to write a draft for > tutorials on some or all of these topics, or better yet, co-author them > with a member(s) of the gimp-doc team. I have no where to publish a > tutorial, and it seems pointless to write something that no one will read. > > Take a look at the attached documents and scripts. Let me know if this > idea is something that sounds interesting. The *.odt format files are open > office writer format. > > Thanks, > > Stephen Kiel > > -- > Stephen Kiel > 26602 Strafford > Mission Viejo, CA 92692 > *Mobile/SMS (949) 702-1993* > Home (949) 367-2915 > snick.kiel@xxxxxxxxx > > > > _______________________________________________ > gimp-docs-list mailing listgimp-docs-list@gnome.org > > > -- > Andrew Pitonyak > My Macro Document: > Info: > > -- Stephen Kiel 26602 Strafford Mission Viejo, CA 92692 *Mobile/SMS (949) 702-1993* Home (949) 367-2915 snick.kiel@xxxxxxxxx _______________________________________________ gimp-developer-list mailing list List address: gimp-developer-list@xxxxxxxxx List membership: