Maybe this is out of place, but speaking of tiles, I noticed that
several compositing packagings and 3D renderers draw the tiles outwards
from the center of the image. Some programs even offer preferences for
different tiles drawing.
Outwards from center seems to be faster (actually it's a perceived
faster, not real faster) than rows from top left to bottom right.
I think that drawing the tiles outwards from the center of the view
would provide a huge boost in perceived performance, because you'd
always be seeing the first tile in the visible.
Right now if you're looking at the bottom of an image and the top is
beyond the visible area, you have to wait for the tiles to be drawn, and
in slow operation that's perceived like extra slowness.
Is this even planned or considered? Is it possible?
Sorry if this question adds noise to the thread, this has been on my
head for several days and I needed to ask.
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