El 08/09/12 16:23, Jeremy Morton escribió:
I think the first stage, to make it really useful, would be to
incorporate the Script-fu layer effects here into GIMP proper:
Are they already in GIMP? I can't see most of them. Once they were
in, GIMP could apply them to shape layers automatically.
Those layer effects are just scripts inspired in Photoshop's layer
effects (which are non-destructive and editable).
As far as I know having GIMP ported completely to GEGL will make things
like that possible (while the old core didn't), but still somebody has
to code the feature.
I'm afraid it's not as simple as incorporate the existing effects to
GIMP proper.
Regarding the original topic, I remember there was a "vector layers"
GSoC project that never made it into GIMP.
It's from 2006, so it was designed for the old core, but maybe somebody
could take a look, at least to see if some of that code is useful for
introducing the feature to the new GEGLized GIMP.
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