I noticed an error in the resulting values when changing image precision from 8-bit integer to 16-bit integer. For example, in a ten-block 8-bit RGB test image, the block with the linear gamma sRGB 8-bit values of (1,1,1) should be (257,257,257) upon changing the precision to 16-bit integer. But instead, the Gimp 16-bit integer values are (258,258,258). Similar errors occur with 8-bit values of (2,2,2), (4,4,4), (8,8,8), . . (32,32,32). (64,64,64) and up is accurate. Gimp 32-bit floating point and 32-bit integer values are error-free upon changing the precision from 8-bits and then exporting a 16-bit png (so errors might be hidden by the reduction in bit-depth upon export). The (128,128,128) block is off by 3 when changing the precision to 16-bit floating point. If anyone is interested, the test image and a spreadsheet with the correct values and formulas can be found here: http://ninedegreesbelow.com/temp/gimp-lcms-4.html#precision "Round-tripping" back to 8-bit values gets you back where you started. But that is an artifact of collapsing 256 "steps" in the 16-bit image back to 8 bits. The values could by off by as much as 127 in either direction in the 16-bit image, and still "collapse" back to the correct 8-bit value. Elle -- http://ninedegreesbelow.com Articles and tutorials on open source digital imaging and photography _______________________________________________ gimp-developer-list mailing list gimp-developer-list@xxxxxxxxx https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer-list