Microsoft's Genuine Advantage was installed with SP3, but not SP2.
There are millions of SP2 installs out there in the wild. If GIMP
should basically run on SP2, I don't see a reason not to offer an
(unsupported) installer for it; it's just a case of, as Jernej wrote,
'bumping the minimum requirement' down again.
Best regards,
Jeremy Morton (Jez)
On 07/05/2012 08:07, Cristian Secară wrote:
În data de Mon, 07 May 2012 00:02:43 +0100, Jeremy Morton a scris:
Please please please offer support for SP2. It's not hard and
there's still a ton of SP2 installations out there. If you don't
bother with SP2, you might as well not bother with XP at all.
What means "offer suport" here ? Is to be expected that GIMP 2.8 will
not work at all on SP2, or is it just about offering help by someone in
case of install troubles or something ?
(Other than that, I believe that the "SP3" is just a centralized
collection of XP fixes, most of them being already present in a SP2
with all live updates accepted and installed. As for "monitoring&
reporting" folly, in case this exists, was this present only on XP SP3
and never since then on newer Windows versions ?
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