On 01/13/2012 12:12 PM, peter sikking wrote:
so please help us by replying here, with you answer what
text means to you when working with GIMP.
One of my major uses is composing textual elements of book covers and
Another use is minor overlays of bits of text on photographs to point
out relevant technical features in the photos.
What I wish to see in text tools....
- Always editable text as long as file in a format that is not flattened.
- Important (to me): Most recently used text settings (i.e. typestyle,
size, bold/italic, color, etc.) to be saved (including between Gimp
restarts) for default us in next operation. (Too many settings in Gimp
are not saved, even while editing within session of editing a single
image -- this should be a focus of improvement soon.)
- Per above, save settings as a "set" of settings that can be brought
back for use (like Curves are saved). These "sets" of settings should
be nameable by the user (or if not named by user, then default name of
date/time). Naming is very important to be able to quickly find
settings for various projects.
- Once text is created, always be able to change typestyle, size,
bold/italic, color, etc., etc.
- In this context, be able to stay in the text dialog and
be able to highlight & change differing parts of the text.
i.e. Don't have to get out of dialog for each such change.
i.e. Changes are _not_ all-or-nothing.
- When editing existing text, if user clicks in the middle to text, then
further typing of characters uses the attributes in which it is in the
middle. Same for either end of string, but I understand that the user
must be sure to get to the beginning or end of string in a way that
keeps the user inside the current attributes of the text.
- Text to be rotatable as any other layer without losing quality.
- Multiple text layers that can be edited individually or locked
together for movement of layers as a group.
- Preview window showing net effect of text on total image. If the user
has to edit text and then get out of dialog and render to be able to see
the net effect, the process can get very time consuming.
? Maybe have a warning if image resolution is too low to render the text
without having "jaggies".
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