On 12/04/11 19:06, Chris Moller wrote:
On 12/04/11 10:40, Cristian Secară wrote:
I have these strings:
Rotate by %-3.3g° around (%g, %g)
Shear horizontally by %-3.3g
Shear vertically by %-3.3g
Shear horizontally by %-3.3g, vertically by %-3.3g
What is "g" ?
And what is "3.3g" ?
Here "around" means "approximately" ?
No, "around," in this context, means rotating around a centre-point at
coordinates (5g, %g)
To anwser your other question, g is part of the floating point format
%-3.3g , for ex. is not printed, it is replaced by the number.
See man sprintf on linux.
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