Hello, The first meeting took place and it seems to be a success :) The agenda, decided actions and log can be found on the soon-to-be-official wiki at http://gimp-wiki.who.ee/index.php/Hacking:Dev_Meeting_28_Feb_2011 A summary of the decided actions: 1. schumaml and LightningIsMyName fix wgo? 2. Alexia and mitch take care of redirecting wiki.gimp.org 3. Enselic makes a draft of a GIMP roadmap and sends to gimp-developer 4. everybody subscribe to bug mail and TRIAGE BUGS 5. mitch, make a development release soon 6. LightningIsMyName takes care of next meeting 7. setting pages on the wiki to discuss changes in different topics 8. LightningIsMyName gets a list of projects on the wiki by tomorrow, developers review the ideas by email or by commenting on the wiki. Saturday (February 5th, 2011) is hard dead line for finalizing the project list! (I'll try, it make another day though) 9. all devs PM/Email LightningIsMyName username and email for their wiki account Next meeting shall be on March 14, 10:00 PM, CET (GMT+1). A mail about the agenda for the next meeting will be sent several days before the next meeting. Happy GIMPing and see you next time! ~LightningIsMyName On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 1:07 AM, LightningIsMyName <lightningismyname@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hello, > > After the slow development that I and some other developers feel, > because of lack of plans, we decided to try and schedule a planned IRC > meeting. > Today (February 28, 2011), at 10pm CET (for time zone conversions, see > http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=2&day=28&year=2011&hour=22&min=0&sec=0&p1=48 > ) a meeting of GIMP developers is scheduled on the GIMP developer IRC. > On the list of topics: > > - GSoC 2011 - ORG Application deadline is in 11 days! > - Bug fixing priorities > - Future development? > > If you want to discuss GIMP's future, GSoC this year, and just listen, > please come. We will meet on irc://irc.gimp.org/#gimp (Users without > IRC client can connect using one of the many online IRC clients (such > as this one: http://mibbit.com/?channel=%23gimp&server=irc.gimp.org ) > > Hope to see you, > ~LightningIsMyName > _______________________________________________ Gimp-developer mailing list Gimp-developer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer