Thanks, I believe Python is the solution I was looking for.
- Ryan
--- On Thu, 12/3/09, Joao S. O. Bueno <gwidion@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
From: Joao S. O. Bueno <gwidion@xxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: Gimp <-> prolog interface To: "Ryan Eisele" <ryaneisele123@xxxxxxxxx> Cc: gimp-developer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Date: Thursday, December 3, 2009, 1:15 PM
Hi Ryan -
I strongly suggest you learn python instead, and us it for your scripts, instead.
It attends eveeryone of yoru requisites: - no dealing with pointers or memory allocation/deallocation - gimp data structures are provided as high level objects - the language
syntax even allows for a funciotnal-like programing if you prefer that.
(for example to interact through layers, you just do: image = gimp.list_images()[0] for layer in image.layers: #your code dealing with the "layer" object
When you get to the pixels you have then as a byte sequence, you then convert to a bytearray (python 2.6) - to get all the green bytes for the pixels from such an array on a separate array, I could do:
green =[1::4]
Follow the tutorial in www.python.org docs, you could get proficient in the language in less than 1 hour - then check the pythons cripts that come with gimp for examples of the API use and pixel access.
js -><-
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