Re: newb questions re python-fu

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On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 10:29 AM, paul taney <paultaney@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> A coupla questions from the newb...
> I am trying to write my first python-fu plug-in and I cannot get it to install.  Here"s how I am pushing it to the plugins dir:
>  cp ~/.gimp-2.4/plug-ins/
>  chmod +x ~/.gimp-2.4/plug-ins/
> Then I look for it under <Image>/Filters/Render/  and it is not there.
> It"s a color filter that attempts to extract the bluest pixels,
> like this:
> <code>
>  RED, GRN, BLU = 0, 1, 2
>  bluemask = (image[...,BLU] > 1.4*image[...,GRN]) & \
>             (image[...,BLU] > 1.4*image[...,RED])
>  blue_layer = gimp.layer(bluemask, width, height, RGBA_IMAGE, 100, NORMAL_MODE)
>  image.addlayer(blue_layer, 0)
> </code>
> Q1) Is this even close?
> Q2) can I continue to use numpy (as I was with wx.Python) or do these images have to be treated with scipy?

Hi Paul,

I found a few mistakes here and there.  The main one is that Python is
very strict about indentation.  After that, the "import Interpolate"
line I changed to "from scipy import interpolate as ma" - I'm not sure
if that is correct or not.  Lastly, there were some items like
"PF_ITEM("foo", _("foo"), "foo")" that I changed to "PF_ITEM("foo",
"foo", "foo")" and also I added "Vanderwalt" to the end on the plug-in
resgistration.  Oh yeah - I also added an 'except' in somewhere befor
a "finally"...

So... now it still does not run correctly, but at least it registers
with GIMP :|

BTW - starting GIMP from the command line will show syntax errors in
py-fu scripts....  Also editors like scite and eric (among others)
show indentation problems in Python by default - these are probably in
your repositories.

#!/usr/bin/env python
#    # van der Walt color filter
#    # python gimp plugin
#    # by paul taney
#    # paultaney@xxxxxxxxx
#    # Licensed under GPLv3
#    # see for details
# installation:  put this file in
#    $HOME/.gimp-2.n/plug-ins
# then look for it under <Image>/Filters/Render/

import numpy as np

from gimpfu import *  # imports the symbols gimp, pdb, register and main
import os, sys, string
import datetime
#import Interpolate as ma
from scipy import interpolate as ma

def getXML(dictionary):
        line2 = transformLine(dictionary["line"])
        form = string.Template("""\
<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
    <!--  who  -->             
    <!--  where  -->             
    <!--  when  -->             
    <chartdate>$chartdate </chartdate>       

    <!--  what  -->             

    <!--  coordinate transformation -->                     
    <width>$width</width>   <!-- in pixels -->             

    <!-- color filter setting -->

    <!-- line -->

        s = form.substitute(dictionary)
        s += '\n    <line>%r</line>\n' % (dictionary["line"])
        if dictionary["line2"]:
            s += '\n    <line2>%r</line2>\n' % (line2)
        s += "</iedro>"
        if 0: print s
        return s

def python_fu_vanderwalt(image, drawable, operator, location, lat, long,
			thisdate, chartdate, imagefile, xmlfilename, phenomena,
			time_units, world_units, time_min, time_max, world_min,
			world_max, bluemask_factor):
	[ width, height, channels ] = image.shape
	dictionary = {
		"width": width,
		"""Stefan van der Walt gave me this filter on the numpy mailing list"""
		f = bluemask_factor
		#pdb.gimp_message("calling vanderWalt with factor=%f" % f)
		RED, GRN, BLU = 0, 1, 2
		bluemask = (image[...,BLU] > f*image[...,GRN]) & \
		(image[...,BLU] > f*image[...,RED])
		# post it as a new_layer  xxx
		blue_layer = gimp.layer(bluemask, width, height, RGBA_IMAGE, 100, NORMAL_MODE)
		image.addlayer(blue_layer, 0)  # from python_fu_template_image
		# Create a new display window for the given image.

	line = np.array(bluemask.nonzero()).swapaxes(0,1).tolist()
	if line:
			line = ma.flip_Y(line)
			line = ma.interpolate(line)
			#line = ma.uniqify(line)
			line = ma.scale(line, image.width, image.height,
							time_coord_min, time_coord_max,
							world_coord_min, world_coord_max)
			dictionary["line2"] = line
			pass  # for testing, you dont need 
			pdb.gimp_message("the line is empty")
	# write it all to XML file
	s = getXML(dictionary)
	FH = open(dictionary["xmlfilename"], 'w')
	pdb.gimp_message("wrote %s" % (dictionary["xmlfilename"]))

# register the plug-in with Gimp
	"python-fu-vanderwalt",  # name
	"Extract blue line v0.1",  # blurb
	"""Extract bluest pixels by selecting an active rectangle and setting a bluemask
	factor with the slider.  They will be written to the named XML file.""",
	"Paul Taney",  # author
	"Licensed under GPLv3",  # copyright
	"September 2008",  # date
	"RGB*", # declares the image types handled. 
	# (PF_STRING, "arg",      "The argument",    "default-value")
	(PF_IMAGE, "image", "Input image", None),
	(PF_DRAWABLE, "drawable", "Input drawable", None),
	(PF_TEXT,  "operator",    "operator:",    "Shem O. Wandiga"), 
	(PF_TEXT,  "location",    "location:",    "Otjikondo, Etosha NP, Zambia"),	
	(PF_TEXT,  "lat",    "latitude:",    "19deg54min South"),    	
	(PF_TEXT,  "long",   "longitude:",   "15deg40min East"),   	
	(PF_TEXT,  "thisdate",    "this date:",   "2008-09-20"),   	
	(PF_TEXT,  "chartdate",   "chart date:",  "2008-09-20"),  	
	(PF_FILENAME, "imagefile", "image file:", "8bitchart02_small.tiff"),   	
	(PF_FILENAME, "xmlfilename",   "XML file:",   "tmp.xml"),    	
	(PF_RADIO,  "phenomena",   "phenomena:",  "rainfall", (
		("_rainfall", "rainfall"), 
		("_temperature", "temperature"), 
		("_pressure", "pressure"))),   	
	(PF_RADIO, "time_units",   "time units:",  "hours", (
		("_hours", "hours"),
		("_days", "days"),
		("_weeks", "weeks"))), 	
	(PF_RADIO, "world_units",  "world units:", "inches", (
		("cm", "cm"), 
		("inches", "inches"), 
		("feet", "feet"), 	   
		("degrees F", "degrees F"),
		("degrees C", "degrees C"), 
		("hectopascals", "hectopascals"), 
		("millibars", "millibars"))),	
	(PF_INT,   "time_min",    	"time min:",    "0"),    	
	(PF_INT,   "time_max",    	"time max:",    "0"),    	
	(PF_INT,   "world_min",    "world min:",   "0"),    	
	(PF_INT,   "world_max",    "world max:",   "0"),    	
	(PF_SLIDER, "f",    "bluemask factor:",   1.4, (1.2, 1.7, .1)),
	[],  # 3-tuples of the form (type, name, description), the return values for the function.
	"python_fu_vanderwalt")  # function

# Notes:	

# If the plugin is to be run on an image,  the first parameter to the
# plugin function should be the image, and the second should be the current drawable 
# Any other parameters are specific to the plugin. -- James

# drawable.get_pixel_rgn(x, y, w, h, [dirty, [shadow])
# Creates a pixel region for the drawable. It will cover the region with
# origin (x,y) and dimensions w x h. The dirty argument sets whether any
# changes to the pixel region will be reflected in the drawable -- default
# is TRUE. The shadow argument sets whether the pixel region acts on the
# shadow tiles or not (default is FALSE). If you draw on the shadow tiles,
# you must call drawable.merge_shadow() for changes to take effect.
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