Re: Proposal new default layout starting 2.6

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IN RESPONSE to "Photoshop like" idea :

"... it should not look like Photoshop" -> SHOULD NEVER LOOK LIKE  Photoshop - because Photoshop even with the new UI additions on CS3 look horrible - GUI for Smurfs.

I see noone talk here about Corel Draw or Corel Photopaint GUI. For a new user, from the second 2 or 3 - it become clear who, why, when, where and how ( ...the last is a joke - "how" become clear after some mounts ot years depend on client material ;) ).

In fact Corel GUI  should give the base idea not PhotoShop ( in case if someone should give an ideea ) - I remember my first days on Corel, I was able to create my workspaces - with my floating or docked toolbars - with my prefered buttons - with my icons ( yep you can edit icons for buttons ), and to customize 500% more options than Photoshop. Then I ask myself ( for the first time - what is so great about Photoshop ?? [v.5 I think...]).

Enfin, Ek kian - GIMP had a GUI Team now. Professionals. They work on GUI specs for the new GIMP and finally, I think the GIMP GUI will be OK anyway - with or without our opinions. 

If you go to you will see - before you - some 1000 other guys think /  talk about exactly the same things. Ro be clean -  exactly the same things. But their  list is open and is never complete...

THERE on  this discussion should take place - not HERE.

Therefore I am designer too ( with some GUI Design knowledge - I won my money from such kind of things) - so I have 1507 or 1509 ideas right now - just try to imagine I'll post all 1507 or 1509 mails to THIS mailing list. The list wil become "the SorinN's list" ( they will do a sucesfull movie after few years [ 50 to be precise and ...damn I  like that dream.. ] ). And GIMP will become ...maybe a simple text editor, even without syntax checker because the mailing list go in Abstract, unified with The Force... and all peoples, actors, singers, developers, detectives, criminals, etc - will loose any interest on GIMP development ( because of my GUI novels with much more eyeappeal than the boring  if / else / while / for statements ).

I hope you got the point - because I have to go to work.
See ya later - on

2008/8/27 Ek kian <zeobox@xxxxxxxxx>
I agree with you, Alexia.
maybe we can also look at Macromedia user interface, such as: Flash, Fireworks or Dreamweaver UI, their UI is different from Photoshop but still easy to learn, simple to manage, and extensible. Even i think Macromedia have better UI than Adobe.

this is my suggestions for new GIMP default layout, i don't go to specific layout but i only have few things that imo need to give more attentions:

- Big Workspace
Graphics artist need a Big Workspace, just imagine our monitor as the canvas then users will want it all screen area is available as work area if possible so imo toolbox should be as small as possible and tool options should be able to hide and show using one-click or one-shortcut.
- Workspace layout dialog
Workspace layout with keyboards shortcut also can be saved and load with simple dialog with some presets (ready to use layout or default layout), so artist only need to setup the workspace and shortcuts that he comfortable and can bring that settings to other computer easily. Default layout is useful for education process which need consistent UI that will make easier to remember for the first time learner and if accidentally changed by user, we can easily put it back to the default layout.

- Workflows.
This is one thing that almost invisible on the programs UI, but if we carefully look at programs with great UI that surely for every aspect of the UI is tweaked to produce faster step to be done for all common workflows for every users. Common workflows only can be asked to the users that using the programs a lot and this users usually use it for their daily professional jobs, for example: photographer, they have "photo post-processing or raw workflow", web designer, they have "web layouting and slicing workflow", design graphic, they have "color preparation and color separation workflow", and many more others.

So every single UI elements such as icon, menu, shortcuts, etc is tweaked to improve how faster the workflows can be done, for example: if user doing selection then usually there is couple operation that follow that selection process so after the selection finish the mouse cursor change to move mode and right-click menu will show operation such as: cut, copy, delete or move. This need context menu feature, menu that can be changed based on activated tool.

ek kian

On Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 3:00 AM, Alexia Death <alexiadeath@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Saturday 23 August 2008 22:51:51 gg@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> that's the second time you propose "familiarity" for a first time user.  
> How can a first time user be familiar with anything? Or is this another  
> "Gimp should look and behave like Photoshop" proposal?

No it should not look like Photoshop. First time user is just as likely to be
unfamiliar with Photoshop as Gimp. What it wuld not hurt to look like a bit is
Inkscape and yes, im horrified to say, MS Paint. Both have similar toolboxes.
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