Re: using layer/channel as mask

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On 1/25/07, Kevin Galligan <kgalligan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I settled on that route after some wrestling...

*** CODE HERE ***
(set! shadowMask (car(gimp-layer-create-mask shadowLayer ADD-ALPHA-MASK)))
        (gimp-layer-add-mask shadowLayer shadowMask)
        (gimp-selection-all inImage)
        (gimp-edit-copy inDrawable)
        (set! floatingSel (car (gimp-edit-paste shadowMask FALSE)))
        (gimp-floating-sel-anchor floatingSel)
        (gimp-layer-remove-mask shadowLayer MASK-APPLY)

Is it your intention to apply the mask incrementally? Every time you apply the mask, that will reduce the alpha of the pixels in shadowlayer.
in short, outAlpha = inAlpha  * maskValue.

***     ***

I hate scheme.  I had to do scheme while in school for a class, and I just never, ever liked it.  However, I don't think my problem here was with scheme (after, obviously, the initial refresher).  It was getting my head around the api.  I still don't know how to get a reference to the color channel (green, blue, or red.  Didn't matter.  Just needed the values).

You cannot.
If you want to use the 'decompose' plugin to separate the component of an image, or use Python's advanced slicing to extract data for one component from the entire pixel data, you can do that.

Do you have a good link to coding python and gimp?  I found some stuff, but it seemed old, and I wound up sticking with scheme.

On Windows it is slightly more complicated to get Gimp working with Python-Fu. On Linux, it's pretty simple -- just run
./configure with the --enable-python switch (this is enabled by default in recent versions), then rebuild and reinstall.
Then you can write plugins and put them in your gimp plugins directory.
A simple plugin is attached.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import gimp,gimpplugin
from gimpfu import PLUGIN, PF_INT, PF_IMAGE, PF_DRAWABLE

# this is the usual thing to do, to make pdb more easy to access
# most plugins would make use of the pdb, though this one doesn't.
pdb = gimp.pdb

class Simple (gimpplugin.plugin):
    def query (self):
	# I didn't want to bother with specifying author, copyright etc just for this example,
	# so here's a default string to use
	d = ''
	gimp.install_procedure ('plug_in_simple', d,d,d,d,d,'<Image>/File/Simple_Test', '*',PLUGIN, [(PF_INT, 'run_mode', "run mode"),(PF_IMAGE, 'image', 'Image'), (PF_DRAWABLE, 'drawable', 'Drawable')], [])

    # must have class methods corresponding to the pdb entries you register.
    # script-fu etc. see this as 'plug-in-simple'
    def plug_in_simple (self, run_mode, image, drawable):

    def start (self):
	gimpplugin.plugin.start (self)
    def quit (self):
	#cleanup here -- usually defining this is unnecessary
if __name__ == '__main__':
    Simple ().start ()
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