It's nice to hear from someone who has actually tried working with the Save for Web plug-in.
At some point of development info was displayed under each view, but I didn't find original info line useful. Why do you think it would be: just for esthetic reasons or does it have some useful functional meaning? I don't know whether it's worth comparing file size of multilayered GIMP image and compressed single-layered jpeg, gif or png.
However, I am sure original image dimensions should be displayed in resize panel, so that user could restore them.
Do you think any additional information about original or optimized image should be provided? Is the user interface intuitive enough or something should be changed?
BTW, I tried porting the plug-in on The GIMP 2.2 but without success. In order to try the plug-in one has to compile it for 2.3 or current CVS. If someone got it working on The GIMP 2.2, however, please send me so I could add it to the registry.
On 12/18/06, cedric GEMY <radar.map35@xxxxxxx
> wrote:
Really Cool,
i would be to add this in official version :-P
i just think it would be better to display optimized file infos (files
size...) just below the optimized preview.
To improve compression evaluation, it could also be nice to display
original file infos under the left preview.
What do you think of this ?
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