For people who want layer erffects and photoshop style interface. goto...
Can we have a section in Gimp's FAQ about why the Gimp does not directly
copy Photoshop?
- Cam
Brendan wrote:
On Thursday 23 March 2006 03:44, you wrote:
Brendan <mailinglist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
I wonder how many times it will take to hear the "Perhaps Gimp
should think about having a Photoshop-mode" before we'll stop
defending Gimp's interface...
How many times will it take before people realize how much work it
would be to add and support different modes in the user interface?
It's simply not worth it, especially since it is a widely accepted
fact in user interface design that such modes are a bad idea.
We can improve the GIMP UI and it will improve. But if you really
think that the only acceptable user interface is a perfect clone of
Photoshop, then why don't you go ahead and start a project that aims
to create such a clone?
I am primarily a KDE hacker. I already donate piles of time to that effort,
including writing docs. I use Gimp almost every day, but I hear it
continuously about the need to have it at least have a PS compatibility mode,
from graphic designers who would love to use it.
Gimp-developer mailing list
Campbell J Barton
133 Hope Street
Geelong West, Victoria 3218 Australia
e-mail: cbarton@xxxxxxxxxx
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