An 'adjust related keybindings' menu item for relevant docks would help a lot to ease keyboard-configuration. This would open the prefs->configure keyboard shortcuts dialog, scrolled to the relevant area. the difficulty of dynamic-keyboard-shortcutting, you can avoid by creating a shortcut scheme in advance. In mine, I have P mapped to pencil, shift+P to paintbrush, ctrl+P to clone, ctrl+shift+P to airbrush, ctrl+alt+P to ink, alt+shift+p to dodge/burn. I followed this scheme through all the keybindings. commonest used -> quickest to access, least used == slowest to access. (another example: C == Copy. SHIFT+C == Cut, CTRL+C == Copy Visible, CTRL+ALT+C == Copy Named, CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+C == Cut Named. and all the clear/fill with.. actions are mapped to F plus modifiers. Undo/redo is mapped to ; because i have a dvorak keyboard.) .