Re: [Gimp-developer] gimp-remote

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On Sun, Feb 06, 2005 at 02:51:05PM +0100, Sven Neumann <sven@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Would you mind to explain what sort of problems that would be? If we

mozilla ./file

=> file not acesssible (permission denied, other user, inaccessible dir)
=> file not accessible (different machine)
=> file not acesssible (different filesystem view)

Assuming that a process has exactly the same view of the filesystem as any
other is in general not true. Comparing hostnames helps somewhat in the
first case.

There was a debian bug about this against mozilla, but as it is solved,
it's archived and I couldn't find it anymore. So at least some people
found that annoying enough to have it fixes. (I found it pretty annoying,
but didn't file it as a bug report because I thought I would be alone in
that opinion :)

Such automatic behaviour presumes single-user (everything is readable to
the gimp user) and single-machine (no remote display) configurations,
whcih are pretty common nowadays, but universities and other big
instalations still often have highly networked environments where this
behaviour is annoyung, especially, if, as in the case of mozilla, you
couldn't switch it off.

> need special command-line switches, we can as well stick to the
> current solution. As far as I know, the remote feature of mozilla

If the only reason to fold it into the main binary is indeed to get this
automatic (but annoying) behaviour, then indeed I see no reason to stick
to it. Rifght now, gimp-remote and gimp do semantically very different
things. Folding them into the same binary (without different switches)
makes behaviour of gimp rather underterministic, especially for scripts
etc., and personally I don't think it's worth it.

The best thing would be to have gimp-remote automatically start a background
instance of the gimp (as it already does). That way one gets these semantics:

   gimp - start a new editing session, return when closed
   gimp-remote - make sure a session is already running, return immediately

And only the second alternative might run the risk of the file not being

However, the recent trends in GUIs under unix *is* towards
single-user-single-machine configs (witness the problems gnome/kde/debian
pose in these environments), so you might just ignore these reasons,
assuming that such configs will die out.

> works by looking for a mozilla window in the current X session. I
> don't see what problem that could cause on a multi-user machine.

It's pretty annoying if you have to kill mozilla if you want to look at
a file in networked or multi-user environments. With gimp, you have the

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