Hi all, I was contacted over the weekend by the organiser of a Paris based free software contest, who wanted to know whether I knew anyone in the GIMP project who was prepared to be a jury member for the competition. The competition was also help last year, and this year will have a multimedia section. The competition is the 26th and 27th of May, near Paris, France. The organisers have a budget, and can eventually pay for air fare from the US. Since GUADEC is the week afterwards in Stuttgart, this might be a good way to get over to that and have your travel expenses paid - fly into Paris, hitch a lift with a Parisian GNOMEr going to Stuttgart, and then fly back from Paris the week after on the 2nd or 3rd of June. They're hoping to organise the jury pretty quickly, so if this interests you, please get back to me pretty quickly. They're not necessarily limited to Americans - if any of our distinguished Germans were prepared to come to Paris on an expenses paid trip, let me know. Cheers, Dave. -- David Neary, Lyon, France E-Mail: bolsh@xxxxxxxx CV: http://dneary.free.fr/CV/