Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2005 12:29:15 -0800 From: "William Skaggs" <weskaggs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On loading an exif-jpeg file, it (1) calls gimp_metadata_store_exif(), and (2) extracts the orientation from the exif and, if it is not top-left, queries the user whether to rotate the image. I know I've been making a nuisance of myself about this, but PLEASE at least provide a way to turn this query off. -- Robert Krawitz <rlk@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Tall Clubs International -- or 1-888-IM-TALL-2 Member of the League for Programming Freedom -- mail lpf@xxxxxxxxxxxx Project lead for Gimp Print -- "Linux doesn't dictate how I work, I dictate how Linux works." --Eric Crampton