Re: [Gimp-developer] panel and winning splash

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On Tue, Dec 14, 2004 at 12:49:35AM -0200, Joao S. O. Bueno Calligaris wrote:
> Hi Carol.
> [nothing of much interest on this mail for people who are ok with the 
> panel]
i am happy with the panel.  please accept everything i said to mean "you
and your opinion means more than anyone you need to bring in to help"
and that this is a compliment.  i simply expect you do to what you set
out to do.

taking so long.  being so "careful". futzing around. getting the opinion
of people who need to be asked to upgrade their version, i mean really,
if tigert still wanted to be involved, dont you think he would?  dont
you think he would be making tutorials and still helping the developers
with gui ideas and stuff like he did years ago but not much recently.

i am asking you to have some self respect and just do the damn job.  it
is more important that this stuff gets done now with everyone sort of
into it than later when it is safer but everyone has gone away bored.

i am suggesting that the fact that we are all actually doing something
is more important that what gets done here.

later in this mail you ask me what my choice would be.  there is only
one that shows off gimp-2.2 and uses a gpled font.  forget artistry or
showing things off nicely for the suits.  the fact that it shows off a
recusive portion of the license it tauts is a plus for the dorks who
have built it and might build it in the future to enjoy.  sorry i am the
one who made this splash.  if someone else had made it, it would have
probably been considered.  all this is fine.

also, later in this note, you belittle my movie.  sure, anyone can do
this in a few minutes.  the fact that i worked for days on it only means
that i have some real problems and cannot get this gimp to work that
well.  i hope that people take your scripting more seriously than you
take mine.

please, panel, show some good opinion of your opinion and publish your
list or winner or whatever.


> On Monday 13 December 2004 22:25, Carol Spears wrote:
> > On Mon, Dec 13, 2004 at 11:52:03PM +0100, David Neary wrote:
> > > Hi Carol,
> > >
> > > Carol Spears wrote:
> > > > "make a decision".  was their any discussion here of the panel
> > > > needing the approval of these "artists"?  the panel was put
> > > > together to make a recommendation to the developers.  you need
> > > > additional handholding?  was anyone interested in being on this
> > > > panel who can make a decision on their own?
> > >
> Can you please calm down?
> I am in the panel. The other four people in the panel  are all part of 
> the comunity formed by Gimp development in all ways it stays in touch 
> - that is #gimp, bugzilla, and here at least.
> There were 672 splashes from which to pick one.
> You did run your script in there, and after some tens of seconds, it 
> spilled out a movie, did not it?
> Each of us took time to appreciate each of the splashes over the last 
> week. I can't speak for the others, but I looked at each of them in 
> full size, in painfull proccess of narrowing down the list of viable 
> splashes..Why painfull? Because most of the entries are, in their own 
> way, very nice at least. The funny ones. The scary ones. So each one 
> in the panel had to create a personal set of criteria to narrow the 
> list, so that the whole panel had a small list upon which to debate.
> You express concern about the results of a panel. I think it is 
> reasonable for you to perceive that the panel is concerned about this 
> result as well. Otherwise, we'd just spill out the "highest ranking" 
> among ourselves as the final winner. Instead, we decided that the 
> choices we were left with were quite good, and that diffferent point 
> of views would be apreciated.
> > >(...)
> > > If the panellists want to ask for the opinion of outside people,
> > > or give weight to mukund's page, so be it. When their decision is
> > > made, it will be final.
> >
> > a final recommendation.  just spit it out.
> Carol, since it seems to be so easy, why do not yourself give the 
> panel feedback. Which is your choosen one?
> (NB - this is mostly retorical at this point, as we have a good winner 
> candidate by now - nonetheless I'd like to know your one pick among 
> those 600+ entries)
> >
> > ask adam.  adam is an artist and has been involved with gimp since
> > before you, me, tigert and jimmac -- i dunno about drc.
> Adam is in the panel.
> > if they did not want to work as a group, for what reason was it
> > formed?
> We want and are working as group. A nice group of  persons from 
> different countries with different entries which got a unique chance 
> to learn about each other's inner feelings about art and feelings 
> about The GIMP and its usages as well. I may be speaking for myself, 
> but it is a lifetime experience.
> >
> > if they were afraid of peoples opinion of their opinion, why did
> > they want to be on the panel.
> How would us know that people would arise questioning the panel 
> before? On a side note, I feel the panel had been set by the Release 
> Manager, and fear no one outside. As far as I am concerned, if the 
> panel would vote for the dullest splash out there, that would be the 
> panel recomendation and no more questions. 
> But how do you feel about questioning any judge about being afraid of 
> other's opinions when you yourself are attacking the panel - and at 
> least  on this list, you are the only one doing so.
> >
> > this is crap.  this is pathetic like this stupid election we just
> > had here in the states.
> Ok - I am writting this lenghty reply, because _this_ I found 
> offensive.
> I agree that a way to select a winner should have been determined 
> before opening up for the contest for the entries. But it was not 
> done. Since the formation of the panel itself was a sugestion on this 
> list, and people got a chance to propose a better, working idea, I am 
> perfectly confortable  with the panel. Just because if determined 
> beforehand, it probably would have been the better idea anyway.
> > is the recommendation from this panel to be have tigert "i approve
> > this" to make it worth something?
> >
> We feel more confident now we've read Tigert's comments on some of our 
> picks, if that maters.
> > is there anyone on the panel whose opinion does not count?
> No.
> It is a five way panel, and everyone is doing their part and getting 
> listened.
> >
> > carol
> Regards,
> 	JS
> 	-><-
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