When I try to initialize gimp-perl server with Xvfb (as below), I get this error:
Script executed:
Xvfb :200 -ac &
DISPLAY=:200.0 nohup /usr/bin/gimp --verbose --no-splash --no-splash-image --enable-stack-trace never --console-messages -i -b '(extension-perl-server 1 0 0) (gimp-quit 0)' < /dev/null > /home/ssk/gimp-log/Gimp200.out 2> /home/ssk/gimp-log/Gimp200.err &
Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/, removing from list!
I am moving Fedora core 1 [gimp 1], to Fedora core 2 [gimp 2]. And I have been using the above for Fedora core 1, and did not have any problem.
Any help/suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Thanks mark