Hi Kent, Kent Tenney wrote: > As someone who would dearly love to see PyGimp > a reality, I was interested to see at: FYI, PyGIMP exists, and has done for quite some time. It appears to be lacking an active maintainer at the moment, and it's not quite a first class binding (that would require some changes in the library code to allow bindings to happen more easily), but it is used. For the GIMP 2.0 or 2.1, run configure with --enable-python to generate python-fu bindings. There are some example scripts showing its usage. > http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/bounties > > Bounties will be offered on Python scripting interfaces for the > following tools: > > * The GIMP This is great news (well, not really news, since the same bounty is on Mark Shuttleworth's site as well), and hopefully this will help reward someone who chooses to work on the bindings. I am still undecided whether bounties (especially ones without a sum attached) provide the motivation to do the work, or are simply a nice way to thank someone who would have done it anyway after the fact. Maybe it will raise the item's priority in someone's TODO stack? Cheers, Dave. -- David Neary, Lyon, France E-Mail: bolsh@xxxxxxxx CV: http://dneary.free.fr/CV/