Hi there, I've been greping the code in search for a nice implementation for enhancements described in bugs 143216 (Airbrush does not take into account speed ) and 150227 (PIPE_SELECT_VELOCITY unimplemented for painting with brush pipes) Basically, both need the time information of a paint event in order to give out interesting results. The one thing in the GIMP which uses this time information is the ink tool. While a more imediate solution might be re-implementing instantiating objects that are part of the ink tool operation in other parts of the GIMP (that would have the bennefict of functionality, while avoiding code duplication, but I guess the relevand code would have to leave the .c files with an *ink* in their name), while examining the time treatemnt in app/paint/gimpink.c there is this comment circa line 248: /* The time resolution on X-based GDK motion events is bloody * awful, hence the use of the smoothing function. Sadly this * also means that there is always the chance of having an * indeterminite velocity since this event and the previous * several may still appear to issue at the same * instant. -ADM */ Meaning that the timing we currently have with the ink tool is mostly a big hack and a lot of guessing. I think that both for the Ink tool and for a much nicer implementation of the airbursh tool, and even a future eye-poping implementation of bug 119240 ( Dynamic Brush stroke panel and/or Dynamic path stroke), a clean code would need at least 1/100 of a second resolution for mouse events. So, I am not intimate with GDK, but certain of you certainly are...could we reimplement for a next generation GDK (one that will be around for GIMP2.4/3.0) a new set of time resolutions for events? Is that limited by X11? If so...maybe we can change/ask to change things as deep in the X.org project, now in use in most desktop GNU/Linux distributions. regards, JS -><-