Hi, I have been putting some stuff into gimp-help-2 recently, and one thought I have is that it would be a good idea to make use of material from the old Gimp 1.2 GUM to the extent possible. In the old GUM there was a pretty nice chapter about using Gimp with tablets, but it is seriously out of date, and not being a tablet user myself I'm not capable of updating it. On the chance that somebody here can help, I've extracted the text and placed it in the Wiki, at http://wiki.gimp.org/gimp/DrawingTablets. If you're familiar with tablet use and can find the time to go through it and fix errors -- or simply point them out -- it would be quite helpful. Please don't worry at all about organization or elegance of language -- all that matters at this point is that the material be correct and as complete as possible. Thanks in advance, -- Bill ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ Sent via the KillerWebMail system at primate.ucdavis.edu