Hi all, I just wanted to thanks every one who's came to the Guadec-2004 in Kristiansand. It really has been a great time meeting you, and I was kind of proud assisting to our meeting with many of the great names of the Gimp. Also I would like to thanks all of you who has been patient enough to talk to me and my very very bad spoken english. For those who wasn't there, I've put some random pictures here: http://dindinx.net/photos/album.php?a=/GUADEC-2004/ Regards, DindinX -- david@xxxxxxxxxxx main(int n,char**a){for(n=0;putchar(a[2][n]?(a[2][n]%32+(**a%2*2-1)* (a[1][n++%(a[2]-a[1]-1)]%32-1)+25)%26+97:10)-10;);}