I'm giving a presentation to the Seacoast Linux User Group (SLUG chapter) of the Greater New Hampshire Linux Users Group (GNHLUG) at University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH on June 14th at 7PM (more detail may be added to http://wiki.gnhlug.org/twiki2/bin/view/Www/OurChapters). The presentation is a repeat of an introduction to GIMP 2.0 talk I gave to the MELBA chapter a month ago.
Is there anyone on this list who is a) an experienced GIMP 2 user b) an experienced GIMP 2 developer c) GIMP 2 advocate d) any or all of the above who would like to collaborate with me on making a great presentation?
Maybe you've made a presentation and have some materials to share.
I've already put together a full outline for my previous presentation, and would be glad to share it as I get it published to my website.
Greg Rundlett
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