Hi all,
The GUADEC site is getting into shape now, and we've been asked if we have any web content (art, text, screenshots, info) that we would like to add to a GIMP page or pages on the site.
I have been a bit strapped for time recently, so I would appreciate a hand with this - ideas about the kind of content we should have and actual content itself (links to images that show off the GIMP and screenshots, for example, as well as some text).
I don't think it's a bad idea to duplicate some information off the main website (or the developer website, even) with links to our websites.
I was thinking, in brief, that we should present a summary of the GIMP people giving talks, as well as a quick "About the GIMP" paragraph and some screenshots. Also some information about what we plan to do at the conference.
How does this sound? If this sounds OK, can I ask people to start collecting that information? Who's up for it?
Cheers, Dave.