I would like to add a short news article on www.gimp.org containing some links to web sites or references to print magazines that have mentioned the release of GIMP 2.0. Do you have any such references? Regarding the web sites, the 2.0 release was mentioned on the usual sites such as freshmeat, lwn.net, slashdot and others. Among the sites that I found, the only "unusual" one that would be worth mentioning is dpreview.com. But I am sure that there are many other interesting sites that have published the announcement of the 2.0 release or (even better) a review of it. Can you help me? Also, some magazines have or are planning to include the GIMP 2.0 on their cover disk. Maybe this would also be worth mentioning? I thought about using the wiki for this (e.g., by creating GimpInTheNews or something similar linked from the GimpPressPack) but e-mail replies would be fine as well. -Raphael