On Mon, 2004-03-22 at 18:30, Sven Neumann wrote:toIf you cannot join one of these parties, why don't you organize your own and Bring out The GIMP with some friends? Please add your partythe list at http://wiki.gimp.org/gimp/ReleaseParty.
It would be nice if more people would add the adresses of the computer/photo magazines of their respective countries to http://wiki.gimp.org/gimp/MagazineAddresses as well.
These lists will be used when we send out the press release for GIMP 2.0.
Sincerely, Brix --
You can add some French Photo magazines, each of them has papers on digital photography:
Chasseur d'Images: ------------------ web: http://www.photim.com email: redaction@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Chasseur d'Images La Petite Motte 86100 - Senilé
PhotoFan (same company as "Chasseur d'Images"): ----------------------------------------------- email: photofan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Editions Jibena BP 100 86101 - Châtellerault Cedex
Réponses Photo: --------------- Réponses Photo 41-43 rue du Colonel Pierre Avia 75754 Paris Cedex 15
Le Photographe (same company as "Réponses Photos"): --------------------------------------------------- email: bernard.perrine0emapfrance.com
Le Photographe 43 rue du Colonel Pierre Avia 75745 Paris Cedex 15
--- Regards - Jean-Luc
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