hi, not a troll -- a girl who has been involved for a while, On Sat, Mar 20, 2004 at 04:26:33PM +0100, Thomas L?bking wrote: > On Saturday 20 March 2004 15:38, Carol Spears wrote: > > first: i hope this is not a troll trial (that would have trapped me) > second: i'm using linux as well - so you don't me when talking about users of > other (so called) OSs > third: what in the gimp 2.0 (pre) do you think is "crap" > fourth: it seems to happen, that actual software tries to make use of actual > hardware to enhance features and usability > fith: if a 486 cannot run gtk2 (not sure about that) you just cannot use it > sixth: afaik gimp has a noninteraktive mode (that should work on your 486) > seventh: gimp is open source, well documented and has (as i could just figure > out) a helpfull developer community: if you cannot use the current ui you > could start to write gtk1 interface > eighth: why are you that aggressive? (and - regarding your last post - > insulting) > > finally: i just joined this list - so please excuse me if i was trapped by a > known troll > when i first started to use the gimp, i was using a 486 with a 70M hard drive. my dad donated his 486 that had basically twice the ram and also a 133M hard drive. i made quite a bit of art and helped my photographer friend with these two powerful enough computers. lately i use this friends computer -- a 450 something or other. when i started to learn a little about hardware and such; it started to occur to me that TheGIMP had performed miracles with linux on that computer when compared to Photoshop and other graphics manipulation apps with Windows on this computer. this experience; using the gimp to accomplish a lot with very little has been invaluable to me. i really know the differences between selections and layers and how it plays with the cpu or swap -- i might not know the proper names or acronyms of the parts of the computer that were affected but i clearly understand the effect on the computer as a whole. i had been using TheGIMP for years before i used the irc. when i met my heros on the irc they treated me in many ways. from abusive to far to lovingly. they were all linux developers then and most refused to use Windows. most of them were very unhappy with tml's port -- even if it is difficult not to simply adore tml the human being. such a gracious and eloquant developer is very very very very rare. he really brought out the best in some of the worst of them. i like that he moved TheGIMP to windows -- my reasoning then was that my mom could use it. i have recently figured out that my mom will never be mentally agile enough to use TheGIMP or most software on a computer. they actually did not believe that i was able to make such art with so little equipment. they made me spit the information about my computer directly onto my website -- as if i knew how to edit it! if you think i am trolling this list to try to help stop any stupid logic and reasoning from entering into the way the gimp works; i am. if you think i am here to play the devils advocate and suggest the exact opposite -- for instance, then you are right. if this is a troll; i am. perhaps i know what the lead developers actually want. perhaps i am one of the people who encouraged them to think more positively about windows development of TheGIMP. maybe i troll this list to help them to stay away from the troubles they were worried about introducing into the way gimp works. degrading the way gimp works to compensate for something that windows did not do for a group of people who made a mess because they opted to work on windows to begin with should not happen. if you consider being the person to catch nasa using old outdated libgimp being a troll -- well, that is me also. what do you think the chances of the gimp-1.0 red error and the nasa miscalculation of the "color of the universe" to be independent of each other by dumb luck well, i am a troll. linux has its problems. i am seeing that it is much better financially to not do anything and to have people patiently explain your absence and let you sit there and not contribute for 4 years is better than to be the person constantly contributing. however -- when it comes to what gimp does, i would take even one more Sven Neumann and go into debt even more with Manish Singh than one Windows user with a few bad ideas. combined they have the personallity of say, 6 wet towels -- but they have the curse of being able to think logically and that is better for gimp than any group of people who let themselves get caught up in a Windows mess. so, you decide if i am a troll or not and be my guest -- delete the mails or even better yet tell your spam filter about me. carol