Given the state of the guash code and that it never got the reputation of being stable, I'd advocate to write a new plug-in instead of attempting to port this code. I've been playing with a thumbnail browser plug-in to make some more use of libgimpthumb.
The GUASH code looks a little messy too and could stand some clean up or splitting in to several files. I don't know which way I will go with this yet. Thanks for pointing out libgimpthumb. Sounds like that could be useful.
If you had a look at the CVS version it would have been clear to you that the new tarball is around the door.
I would have looked at the CVS copy I had known it was in CVS at the time. Anyway, thanks for the new tarball. I'll grab a copy of it in a little while.
Kevin. (
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172 |"What are we going to do today, Borg?" E-mail:kcozens at interlog dot com|"Same thing we always do, Pinkutus:| Try to assimilate the world!" #include <disclaimer/favourite> | -Pinkutus & the Borg