Fwd: Re: [Gimp-developer] Grain modes are just the beginning - was McFarland's Re: Startup Notification support...

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On Tuesday 29 July 2003 5:38 am, you wrote:
> Hi,
> "Joao S. O. Bueno" <gwidion@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> > For example, this is the line in current gimp code that does the
> > "merge mode" :
> >
> >  sum = src1[b] + src2[b] - 128;
> >
> > It will be doable by typing:
> > ED = E1 + E2 -0.5;
> I don't want to discourage you and it's certainly a nice
> expert/geek feature but I doubt that the casual GIMP user wants to
> type in any formulas.

I know that. Thats why in the future, I want to make them loadable
resources just like brushes and patterns.
This way, less oftenly used  layer modes could go packaged with the
GIMP - or be put in a resources page - without cluttering the UI.

And even those who will not like typing formulas may fell tempted to
tweak a little the numbers - like the .5 to .7 above.

Unfortunattely I cannot think, as I've said, of a graphical way to
build such formulas. But...when it's time for it, maybe people here
ont he list can give e some subjetions, and the raw formula writting
canget put behind an "advanced" button.

> Sven




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